
daz51 Posts: 159
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
I was just wondering what you guys do regarding your muscles,

Do you stretch your legs before you start?

during the ride?

after the ride ?

or all three of those ?


  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    I usually do some static stretches after I ride, unless it's been a very easy ride, in which case I don't bother. I understand a lot of cyclists don't bother with stretching at all, but I come from a running background so I think stretching is very important.

    The most common advice seems to be that it isn't recommended to stretch before you start exercising, as your muscles aren't warmed up, and you can actually make yourself more likely to get injured.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    I ALWAYS stretch after a ride of any distance, selected exercises, this is very important to me, I never stretch before a ride. ... ling.shtml
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    I never stretch or warm up. I don't think you really need to stretch or warm up IMO.
  • I've never found that stretching is helpful before, during, or after cycling. For me, cycling isn't the kind of exercise where I think it is necessary. However, plenty of people do say that they find stretching after a ride help to prevent cramps, so I guess this is a personal thing.
  • if i've got sore legs from the day before i stretch, seems to make a difference to the time it takes my legs to get comfortable on the bike.
  • I stretch before and after. I had knee problems and the physio advised stretches 3 times a day. Sorted the knee problem. She said it was to do with muscles/ligaments tightening and not getting full extension because of the nature of cycling (if i remember correctly). This caused my leg to be twisted inwards thus causing the the knee to be 'off line' in the pedal stroke with resulting pain.
  • piedwagtail91
    piedwagtail91 Posts: 781
    i never stretch but prefer to go for a 40-50 minute hilly walk which seems to work for me.
  • rich g
    rich g Posts: 124
    Start off cycling nice and easy for the first 10-15 minutes then after your ride do stretching exersises especially the hamstrings as cycling shortens them.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    [quote="rich g"]Start off cycling nice and easy for the first 10-15 minutes then after your ride do stretching exersises especially the hamstrings as cycling shortens them.[/quote]
    Absolutely! We are all built differently and by experience I know i have to stretch my muscles after a ride.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    I never stretched at all until I was 40, other than spontaneously because I felt like it. I thought "formal" stretching was pointless and a bit unnatural. Then like NotAnotheHill I had a knee problem, and the physio prescribed stretches. Also when I had a bike fit they emphasized the importance of stretches. It's really helped in getting rid of the knee issue, and also I've realised that when I stretch after a long cycle I feel less muscle stiffness the next day. I think it also potentially makes you more powerful, as if you have more flexibility you tend to use your muscles in ways you wouldn't otherwise. You don't realise that you need to stretch and that you are lacking flexibility until you start stretching. I always do it afterwards, not before. Sometimes if I've been walking around town and I'm waiting for a bus I'll also do some stretches though - there's nothing else to do and your muscles are sufficiently warmed up from the walking.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    try to remember to do gentle hamstring stretches before, but always do them afterwards.
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