beer and bikes!

on2wheels Posts: 102
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
I know you shouldn't, but I've had a great night out tonight with two mates that don't bike that often, i'm trying to get them into it a bit more if you know what I mean, suggested a night out, a few beers (not too many!), country pubs on the bikes, wonderful, 20 miles later both loved it, bit cold, but hey, they enjoyed it!

Anyone else done a similar thing, trying to get friends on bikes, or is it just me!


  • System_1
    System_1 Posts: 513
    Everything is fun after a few beers. I try to get friends on bikes, but I don't get them pished first.

    For the first time in my life I rode the 3 miles home from the pub a bit drunk about two weeks ago. Even though it was on quiet roads with little or no traffic I woke up in the morning totally ashamed. I'm a regular cyclist of about 20 years and a self proclaimed owner of fantastic bike handling sklils, but I still had problems staying upright and safe. Getting two newbies on a bike after a few beers would be the last thing I'd do. You got away with it this time, but it WILL end in tears.
  • PostieJohn
    PostieJohn Posts: 1,105
    I finished work, yesterday lunchtime.
    Straight out for a 15 mile sprint.
    Home, cleaned up and then down the pub, still not eaten all day.
    4 pints later and I was totally smashed.
    Burger and asleep by 8.30.

    Top day.
  • Muddy pub-riding is always a good way to convert friends to the church of riding XC. However, I have learnt that too little food, too much beer, trees and darkness don't mix...

    Helped at the MTB world champs last year and on the night of the 4X we didn't finish til about 2am. I decided that the best way to pass the time until the spectators left would be to get a few pints (having not eaten for well over 12 hours). Finally I got on my bike and set off back to Fort Bill - a bad idea, made worse by the fact that there is a) no light pollution there and there was no moon or stars that night, b) I had only a £10 light and c) I decided the short-cut through the woods would be best. Ended up getting intimate with the trees and finally headed back to the main roads (no streetlights, but at least you can follow the white lines).
  • PostieJohn wrote:
    I finished work, yesterday lunchtime.
    Straight out for a 15 mile sprint.
    Home, cleaned up and then down the pub, still not eaten all day.
    4 pints later and I was totally smashed.
    Burger and asleep by 8.30.

    Top day.

    Got a better one;

    Awesome 25 mile XC ride
    Returned to find the fridge royally stocked up with beer - it'd be rude not to have some
    Went for a relaxing post-ride bath...
    ...drinking real ale (4 x 500ml - riding makes you thirsty!)...
    ...listening to music...
    ...and watching the sunset over Loch Sunart and its stunning mountainous backdrop.

    Best post-ride ritual ever, even if I did end up p*ssed as a ferret! Maybe should eat first next time...
  • Pirahna
    Pirahna Posts: 1,315
    The funniest drunk on bike I've ever seen was my wife trying to ride the 5 miles back from a local beer festival. She doesn't drink that much and never touches beer, so after an 8 hour session of me and various other people buying her halfs she could barely stand up. I rode behind shouting either left or right depending on where she was drifting on the road. She couldn't lift her head up and was totally focused on the front wheel. She tried to look where she was going a couple of times but it just resulted in a big wobble.

  • Diogenes
    Diogenes Posts: 1,628
    We end each ride (which can be 100miles) with a couple of pints close to home, it suits us but there again we ride to enjoy life not to be the next TDF winner. It adds a nice social touch to an already good day. What could be better, a long ride through quiet country lanes, a cup of tea and scone in the middle and couple of pints in the beer garden with your pals afterwards?

    D :D
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    Started many a cycling holiday in my younger days at midnight having spent the Friday night in the pub. It's ok till you sober up at 4 am, shivering and wet, miles from home and your destination, and thoroughly peed off!
    The only times I have ever fallen off have been these late evening "training sessions" the worst sliding across a large roundabout in front of a bemused bus driver. Took all the skin off my right hip and thigh. Thankfully, I don't get the urge to ride after beer anymore.
  • chronyx
    chronyx Posts: 455
    I like a ride after a few beers. Used to cycle to Egham about 6 miles away get a few pints (3? 4? Not a colossal amount) down, or a BBQ at a mates, and cycle home in the summer a couple of years back.

    Fantastic on a beautiful summer night. :D and in just normal shorts and t shirt! 'Carbon neutral' and burning off the beer. It should be compulsory. :lol:
    2007 Giant SCR2 - 'BFG'

    Gone but not forgotten!:
    2005 Specialized Hardrock Sport - 'Red Rocket'
  • I like beer, but I don't drink and then cycle. Not even one. Not even a whiff of the barmaid's apron. To me the risks seem to outweigh the rewards.
  • rubbercolin
    rubbercolin Posts: 67
    i sometimes finish a ride at the local

    have a few then walk up the hill home ............

    take it easy and enjoy...

    what ever you do :P
  • MegaCycle
    MegaCycle Posts: 236
    Never mix beer and bikes. Believe me!