Midland SPOCO series - anyone know much about it?

Richie G
Richie G Posts: 283
edited May 2008 in Road beginners
Hi all

I've discovered that i've unknowingly taken part in a round of this series, but i'm struggling to find any info about this series? Are there many more rounds left and do they all take place on hilly courses? Having done a couple of hillys this year i've got the bug for sporting courses and i'm trying to find more events on this type of course. I'm gonna try and have another read of the CTT handbook later, but being new i'm unfamiliar with the courses. Can anyone help?



  • Johnpwr
    Johnpwr Posts: 47
    http://www.midlanddc.org.uk/ should help. There's a quick link in the top right of the home page.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    According to CTT website, only 2 more SPOCO's in Midlands:
    18/5/08 - Speedwell BC - K23/36
    19/7/08 - Coventry RC - K10/25P

    Can't help with the course codes, but BeaconRuth is sure to know.
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Thanks for that. As it's my first season i'd decided i wouldn't commit too many races in case i wasn't enjoying it - as it is i'm champing at the bit for more! Now it's a case of giving myself some more races to aim at. I know Rudy Projects are held over sporting courses but they seem to have smallish fields of very good riders from what i can gather- don't want to get out of my depth!

  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Richie G wrote:
    they seem to have smallish fields of very good riders from what i can gather- don't want to get out of my depth!
    Why worry about it? Whilst I know only too well the disappoinment of getting beaten by 8-10 minutes over a 20 mile hilly course, it's not really any different to what would happen if you entered an E/1/2/3 road race. The top guys would leave you for dead.

    Most of the TT world is still fixated on riding 10 and 25 drag-strip courses to log PB's but that requires riding on roads that really shouldn't be used for bike racing IMO. I'd much prefer to ride a sporting course where a bit of bike handling / climbing technique is required as I find them infinitely more enjoyable. I focus more on trying to beat my time for the same event last year or another rider who I know is of a very similar standard to me (helps if they're also in your club for cafe bragging rights).
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Bronzie - sounds like you would have enjoyed the Beacon Little Mountain TT on Sunday - sounds right up your street. We even award prizes for beating your time from the previous year by the biggest margin. Richie G will vouch for it being a top-class event. Who'd have thought a 39 mile hilly would get a full field and a full list of reserves? :D

    Anyway, back to the Midlands SPOCO. There are 4 events left to ride, Richie G, the first is the Speedwell Mountain TT. The course for this is (I think, tho never ridden it myself) very like the Beacon LMTT so you might well enjoy it. But you need to get an entry in this weekend.

    The last event in the SPOCO competition is the August round of the national Rudy Project Series and the course is just the first loop of the Beacon LMTT, the HQ is the same. So that would be a great event to 'dip your toe in the water' of the RP Series - seeing as you know the course already.

    Anyway, all the details and the organiser's contact details are on the Midland website - scroll down to the bottom of the page to the bit that says "The district committee has agreed..............."

  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Yeah it sounds like a good ride - bit of a trek but maybe next year. Very encouraging that this sort of event seems to be having a bit of a resurgence, although it may just be down to how well you've publicised it. Most clubs are happy to get their event listed in the CTT handbook and leave it at that.
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Thanks for the replies.

    Richie G will vouch for it being a top-class event.

    I certainly can! I haven't shut up about it all week! I thought having timed hills gave a bit of extra interest too - amazing how much times varied even between riders in the top 20. I think Ruth should be rightly proud of organising and promoting an excellent event.

    Unfortunately, the Speedwell Mountain clashes with my holiday (as do the next 2 rounds of the Leics TT series - great planning!) Will check the dates of the others - it would be good to do the remaining 3. Any idea on details of the 'Don Pickens Event' - can't seem to find it on CTT?

    Why worry about it? Whilst I know only too well the disappoinment of getting beaten by 8-10 minutes over a 20 mile hilly course

    And the rest! The Beacon Little Mountain was the first time i've been out of the bottom 5 in open events, so i'm getting used to it! :lol: Bronzie, I think you're views on courses are very similar to mine - i think your bike handling and climbing ability should be a factor in doing a good time. The damp descents on Sunday were pretty tricky, which just added to the challenge in my opinion. (One descent scared me witless- great fun in hindsight!)

    Anyway, thanks all

  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    I certainly can! I haven't shut up about it all week! I thought having timed hills gave a bit of extra interest too - amazing how much times varied even between riders in the top 20. I think Ruth should be rightly proud of organising and promoting an excellent event.
    Thanks Rich. I think TBH it's the whole club that deserves the congratulations as there were over 60 club members involved with everything from marshalling to serving refreshments, putting out signs, time keeping etc etc. There were some very good organisers managing their own seperate teams of helpers and as a result my role on the day was very straightforward. Not only that, we had 26 Beacon members on the start sheet and many many old friends of the club came out just to mix and chat back at the HQ. I know I'm a big nostalgic softie, but I'm pretty touched that we had 2 founder Beacon members there who were in the club in 1948 when the fledgling club decided to run the toughest and best mountain TT they could manage. It means a lot to me that John and Dennis were there to enjoy such a successful Beacon event 60 years after the first one. If I'd devoted 60 years of my life to a club I'd formed with a group of mates when I was a teenager, and I saw that it was running events like that 60 years later, I think I'd be pretty proud. :D

    The 'Don Pickens Event' is the Echelon/VTTA event on the K48/23 on 25th May.

  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    It is impressive what a group of enthusiastic volunteers can achieve isn't it? I think it's often the little things that make a difference - for instance it makes parking a lot less hassle when you've got people marshalling the car park. I also thought the presence of photographers at the start somehow made it feel like a very special event. By the way, the cakes were lovely!

    The 'Don Pickens Event' is the Echelon/VTTA event on the K48/23 on 25th May.

    Thanks for that - will have to start bribing Mrs G for a few lifts! She's been very supportive so far, driving me to races. I know she's getting through plenty of reading while i race. Currently trying to persuade her that me hiring a road bike in Mallorca will NOT have an adverse effect on the holiday! Sorry, i'm going off on a tangent here! Thanks for your help.


    PS By the way Ruth, where are you racing this weekend? If it's Saturday it might actually be dry! (I could have done with boat at this weeks club 10!)
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    PS By the way Ruth, where are you racing this weekend? If it's Saturday it might actually be dry! (I could have done with boat at this weeks club 10!)
    On your club's 'home' course, the K41 - it's the Coventry CC 10 this afternoon. Hoping it stays dry.

  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    On your club's 'home' course, the K41 - it's the Coventry CC 10 this afternoon. Hoping it stays dry.

    Hope it went well - i'll keep an eye out for results. Was slightly jealous of you all riding 'the bush' on a warm day - we've some apalling weather for our club 10's. Last Tuesday i was so cold and wet i couldn't stop shivering about an hour afterwards! :lol:

    I've decided to enter the Echelon/VTTA event as Kirsty really likes the area - result!
