Eat My Dust
Posts: 3,965
Approaching a set of red lights this morning I slowed to a stop. So did tha car behind me, the car behind that and the van behind that. Woman in a small Peugot pulls out zips past all 4 of us into the now oncoming traffic and bullies her way throught. All I could do was laugh!!
LOL, I saw a guy in a BMW the other evening sat in a queue of traffic at the lights, he pulls onto the wrong side of the road, which is a bus/cycle/taxi lane, to jump the queue and turn right, just as he did this a bus turned into the road and made him reverse all the way back to the rear of the queue.0
more seriously, this is what Amir Khan did only to hit a ped walking across a crossing
I think it is completely cretinous driving - those cars stopped for a reason, you can't see what it is but you assume it's needless and pull out to overtake. Only to get in to trouble...
what were the chances of that?
DOH!0 -
Down where I used to live there is a rounabout with a bus only shortcut, cars have to do 1/2 mile detour. I've used it when on my bike with no probs. You get car taking a chance and using it by following a bus into it before they get stopped at the lights, if the bus driver is a bit savvy they pull into the bus lane and stop short of the lights, leaving the car blocking two lanes of traffic and much horn blastingI've added a signature to prove it is still possible.0
I get this all the time when I'm driving buses. I stop for traffic lights, a pedestrian crossing, or whatever. A car driver behind can't see why I've stopped and decides to go past. I've seen pedestrians nearly run over a few times, and it's pretty scary to watch. If I've got room, I've taken to swinging the bus across in front of them. At least then the worst thing that's likely to happen is a bit of damage and my employer being p***ed off with me.0
A guy behind me with a nice shiny very expensive BMW thought he was too important to get stuck behind the lorry that was beside him the other day, so he obviously tried to shoot up the inside of it.
I didn't see the incident as it occured just behind me, but I heard it, and when I turned round said nice shiny BMW was coming toward me, but not under its own steam, thankfully the lorry driver stopped.
Amazing what lorry wheel nuts can do to the side of a car.0 -
Alibran wrote:I get this all the time when I'm driving buses. I stop for traffic lights, a pedestrian crossing, or whatever. A car driver behind can't see why I've stopped and decides to go past.
I feel most at danger stopping at red lights if there is traffic behind me. Like cats running for a shutting door people seem to cast all thoughts aside and just gun it, regardless of what's in front of them.
(I did get struck by a cyclist from behind on Oxford Street onc when I'd stopped for a red. His first statement was 'what did you stop for!?' but I left him to discuss his situation with the burly taxi driver, who's taxi he'd just fell into the side of)0