Accomodation for the Marmotte

nic_77 Posts: 929
I'm a bit late in booking my accomodation for the Marmotte - I was hoping to find a nice hotel with a pool somewhere in the sun to keep my girlfriend happy whilst I prat about on my bike... but I'm struggling!

Most of the hotels seem to be geared up for winter week long bookings - I only want Friday to Monday.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



  • dom7
    dom7 Posts: 14
    Book any hotel in Alp d'huez, just call them up, I had no problem booking for 2 nights. There's a big swimming pool in town and shops etc, my wife coped for a day but I wouldn't say it was any better than coped.

    Don't stay down in Bourg D'Oisans, if you're knackered you may be tempted to stop at the bottom and be a "marmotton" Also staying near the finish means you don't have to ride down afterwards.

    If you stay up at Alp D'huez be careful riding down on the morning of the Marmotte, it's cold and there are a lot bikes on the road (apologies if this is patronisingly obvious, I nearly fell off)

    Have fun, it's a lovely day out.
  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    Thanks for your advice dom7... I'll try ringing up a hotel - I think most of the online booking sites are geared up for skiing which must be why they don't take short duration bookings.

    I rode the etape a few years ago when it came to Alpe D'Huez and I camped in Bourg - I managed to resist stopping that day, but this time I'll know how hard the Alpe is going to be beforehand :wink:

    Riding to the start line in the dark is always scary - but coming down the Alpe is terrifying at the best of times - so I'm not looking forward to that!
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    I found quite a few hotels on the www from the Alpe D'Huez website and from the Bourg Tourist Board website. A few do seem to open in the summer now as there are more events arranged for that time of year. I have ended up with an apartment for two nights.

    When I did the Marmotte in 05, I woke up in the Alpe to find the town above the clouds filling the valley below. I have the image of hundreds of cyclists decending the hairpins in the morning through the mist in almost total silence in trepadation of the day ahead. It was light by 6am though.
    Half man, Half bike
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    I have a pdf of local hotels obtained from the tourist office - pm me your email address and I'll send it. We booked ours back in January mind (and plenty were already full), so not sure what's left now.
  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240
    There's a nice hotel in centre of Alpe, called Les Alpages (, tel 00 33 4 76 11 07 99.

    Or if your budget will stretch, there's the VERY nice Chamois D'Or.( 00 33 4 76 80 31 32. They have a swim pool, sauna, jacuzzi, they do massages, hammam (whatever that is !). Not cheap, but hey, if it means you get to do the Marmotte and it keeps the peace !!

    Half way up the Alpe, there's a nice chalet called Chalet Ribot (, run by Susan and Daniel. Accomm is simple but clean, food is fantastic, view across valley is good. It's situated on the 12th hairpin bend. They have a lounge with sky tv and music system, but other than that, won't be a great deal for the missus to do. But at least she could cheer you on as you go past.

    Good luck. We're gonna do it next year !
    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • brad68
    brad68 Posts: 883
    What does your girlfriend look like? I have a big house rented with a pool in Bourg, she can stay with us no problem!
  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    Mind you... her first response was "well what does he look like...?" :lol:
  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Try the tourist office.

    They speak English, and managed to sort me out a great studio appartment very close to the finish for a good price. ... souscat=17