Cycling Across Canada for Crohn's and Colitis

Hello All,
This summer, myself (Vin Heney) and my friend (Greg Mailloux, who has had Crohn's disease for over 10 years) are biking across Canada to raise awareness of both Crohn's and Colits, promote PREVENTION!, and raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC), to fund further research into cures. Our goal is to get every km sponsored, at $10/km, and raise a grand total of $80,000 (it seems lofty, but it’s quite feasible!!) Please spread the word of our trip, and get involved!!! (you can donate online, sponsor us as a business, ride along with us, help organize an event if we pass through your town, etc.) For more info on how to get involved, please visit our website at
