2 Questions - Saddle query & Neck pain

Trickyupnorth Posts: 65
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
I'm seeking to pick some brains again. I have 2 questions but didn't want to start 2 threads in case people thought it was a bit cheeky. Anyway:

1) I've got a quick release saddle on my bike but, the thing is, I'm quite a regular visitor to places where I'd have to leave my bike locked up outside, hospital for example. I don't want anyone to be walking away with the saddle so can I change the quick release part for a 'non' quick release part? If so, what's the part called and can I do the job myself?

2) I made my first journey on my bike on monday morning, to work. It's only just short of 3 miles, but by the time I'd got to work I had a pain at the base of my skull/top of my neck, It was excrutiating. I've ridden to and from work since then on tuesday & wednesday and the pain has reappeared, although not as bad.

I've spoken with a friend who says that my handlebars may not be high enough. I can remember the lad in the shop saying, when I picked the bike up, that they were at their highest.

Does anyone have any experience of this pain, and is it my handlebars? If so, can I buy something to lift them up a bit, what's this 'thing' called and can I do it myself?

Any advice is appreciated.

Many Thanks



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Quick release saddle? What's one of them? Do you mean quick release seatpost?

    The handlebars are probably at a good height - you probably just need to get used to them being low.
    I like bikes...

  • Quick release saddle? What's one of them? Do you mean quick release seatpost?

    Errr....yeah....sounds right I think :oops:

    Apologies for my ignorance, but I just don't know what all the names of things are yet. I'm working my way through the website by that Sheldon bloke, so I'll get there eventually. :)
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    You can replace the quick release with an allen bolt. Check at your LBS.

    Your handlebars are probably too low if you have poor flexibility in your neck (as do I). If you continue to have problems and you can't raise the bars with spacers on the steerer tube you will have to replace the stem with one with more rise. You could try an adjustable one which will allow you to find a more comfortable position.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • You can get a bar raiser which bolts on to the stem and raises the bars by 2 to 3 inches.
    Not pretty and not light, but I bought a bike thinking I could still go as low on the bars as I did when I was a lad, and this thing allows me to ride and be still ok after 50 of more miles.
    Can't remember where it came from but one of the usual internet bike part places will have it.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    "Seatpin clamp bolt" is what you are after. Various types and sizes available so visit the LBS as Geoff advises.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    edited April 2008
    My son's bike had a quick release seatpost - i just wired it shut with some copper wire and a pair of pliers.
    with regard to the pain were you riding with a peaked cap/helmet as sometimes this can cause you to bend your neck more than usual in your attempts to see out from under it.
    The STEM holds the handlebars and you can get them in a variety of sizes and some are adjustable for angle. Even a shorter one without angle adjustment will allow you to sit more upright.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • Thanks for the replies.
    feel wrote:
    were you riding with a peaked cap/helmet

    Yes, it's a helmet with a peak on! You don't live at 221B Baker Street do you? :)

    I'll have a look at the helmet and see if I can take the peak off. If that works it may save me a few quid buying the raisers mentioned above.

