Its not a tax...its for the environment

squired Posts: 1,153
edited April 2008 in Campaign ... evy124.xml

How many people are fed up with the govenment thinking up ways to increase revenue to pay for their out of control spending habits in the name of the environment? Another great example is Ken's £25 congestion charge, for the environment (which I think will do the opposite). Do people really believe that these things are about being green, and not just raising money?

By the way, what is that tv show where people with out of control spending are helped? Could we have Gordon Brown sitting down with the psychologist to find out if his out of control spending is the result of something that happened in his childhood?


  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    Are you sure it's GB that should control his spending and not the population of Britain controlling it's spending of money that it doesn't actually have?

    As far as "green" tax goes, I don't think there will be any benefit to the environment, but if it makes it harder for people to afford cars I can only see that as a good thing. People need to realise they don't need to drive everywhere or in a lot of cases even own a car. I like stupidity taxes as they don't effect me.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    This country's screwed anyway as far as I can tell.
    On the whole, we produce very little, and consume vast amounts.
    This means our imports way exceed our exports, which, last time I checked, is a bad thing.

    compound this problem with a huge influx of cheap immigrant labour, who are willing to work for less money than most brits, and it doesn;t look rosy for the future.
    Something BIG has to change, and it has to be soon.
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    On the whole, we produce very little, and consume vast amounts.
    In terms of goods, you're right.

    However, we 'export' financial and other sophisticated services.

    I think that as a country becomes more developed, it will naturally sell services and rely on developing/natural-resource rich countries for tangible goods.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    As far as I can see it, Nuggs, that's not a sustainable economy. Essentially, services are bo**ocks. It's real, tangible things, that you can sell, that provide a solid basis for financial security.
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    compound this problem with a huge influx of cheap immigrant labour, who are willing to work for less money than most brits, and it doesn;t look rosy for the future.
    Something BIG has to change, and it has to be soon.

    Try to get a local to work on a berry farm. the new rules are reckoned to pretty much kill the soft fruit industry in Fife and Tayside as a lot more workers are needed than can now be found.
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I actually know a couple who go around the country each year to different fruit farms and such, just to pick fruit. There's so little work round here that it's their best option - plus they like to travel.
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    As far as I can see it, Nuggs, that's not a sustainable economy. Essentially, services are bo**ocks. It's real, tangible things, that you can sell, that provide a solid basis for financial security.

    We've managed to sustain Banking and Insurance for the past 300 years. How sustainable do you want?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    but that was in addition to manufacture.
  • compound this problem with a huge influx of cheap immigrant labour, who are willing to work for less money than most brits.

    And send vast amounts of the money they earn out of the country. Thereby making their labour another import.
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    How much of the vast amount ends up in the pockets of Islamic terrorists?
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    How much of the vast amount ends up in the pockets of Islamic terrorists?


    it's only when you start reading through the drivel some folk post on internet forums you start wondering if the universal franchise is actually a good thing. There are people here who are too stupid to be allowed a vote.... :evil:
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Gavin old son...........

    July 7th 2005 wasn't an accident
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • Cunobelin
    Cunobelin Posts: 11,792
    Just wait until next year....

    At the moment all those PFI Schools, Hospitals and other projects have been kept out of the books - a black hole in the government fiances.

    The Government is being forced to bring them into the accounts next year which has two effects. Firstly it will make PFI less attractive, but also means the Government will have broken all their own targets for expenditure!

    Allegedly there is a 50 billion pounds to be added to the present 300 billion official debt. In other words 15 % of the national debt is not declared!

    Watch the fireworks then!
    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Wonderful isn't it? Gordon sells of most of our gold when it's at its lowest value and calls it "prudence". Now the price of gold has gone through the roof he blames all our financial ills on a global recession. He's a great one for taking the credit but ships out blame. It's great being governed by this lot isn't it!
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The thing is, this government's bloody crap, but so are the current alternatives.
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Agreed, but please let this be the last ever Labour government. Let's start by getting rid of the vile, corrupt Ken Livingston next week.
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • Mike Healey
    Mike Healey Posts: 1,023
    Nuggs wrote:
    On the whole, we produce very little, and consume vast amounts.
    In terms of goods, you're right.

    However, we 'export' financial and other sophisticated services.

    I think that as a country becomes more developed, it will naturally sell services and rely on developing/natural-resource rich countries for tangible goods.

    So Germany, with the largest exports of manufactured goods in the world (inc. China) isn't developed?

    There is also the problem that there are no British finance houses in the top 10 in London. If we're to good at financial services, how come other countries banks/finance houses have taken ours over and not vice-versa?
    Organising the Bradford Kids Saturday Bike Club at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre since 1998
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    Gavin old son...........

    July 7th 2005 wasn't an accident

    carried out by British Muslims. Or didn't you spot that?
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    Wonderful isn't it? Gordon sells of most of our gold when it's at its lowest value and calls it "prudence". Now the price of gold has gone through the roof he blames all our financial ills on a global recession. He's a great one for taking the credit but ships out blame. It's great being governed by this lot isn't it!

    Excellent, proof at last that Tory Central Office has a repository of misleading bollocks for you clueless muppets to cut and paste into Web Forums. One of your right-wing-foaming-at-the-mouth chums posted exactly the same garbage on a couple of weeks ago.

    Gordon Brown did not sell gold at below the market price, he sold it at £270 to £280 per ounce which was the price of gold on the international market at the time of the sale. Furthermore the government was obliged to sell, together with other Central Banks, under Treaties intended to suppress the Gold Price.

    At least do your research before spouting off..... :twisted:
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Thank you for that Gavin, yes I did know that it was "British" Muslims that carried out the attack, thank you. But where did the instigators of this disgusting act to go to get trained up before coming back to get dysfunctional individuals to do their dirty work (individuals who, for the most part, were quite happy to live on hand-outs from the hated Infidel). Young men who had listened to the bile spouted inside and outside mosques by demented men who should have been deported years ago, or not even granted residence in the first place. Are you really naive enough to think all this is done without money from over here? Or do you think NorAid in the US was a charity to put a roof on a Belfast church?
    Then there's your mate Gordon. If all this about the gold is rubbish why doesn't he sue? Why? Because he daren't, the same as he skulked over to Lisbon to shaft us through the back door, or went back on his manifesto promise about a referendum..............or did I get that wrong?

    All the above is freely written about and fairly common knowledge. Your figures however Gavin, do not bear out all the story. Even American financial experts were taken aback by Brown's decision, let alone the Bank of England. Gold prices traditionally go in cycles. Experts know this, so did Brown but still he panicked and went ahead despite advice that there would soon be a massive upward trend. He has cost the British taxpayer £4billion, and for what.....? Even his plan to put some of his "windfall" into US bonds backfired when the dollar started to struggle.

    Anyway Gavin, it's obvious we're not going to agree on all this so I apologise for raising your blood pressure, and I hope it won't sour any advice I might ask you for............about bikes. :wink:
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • Gavin Gilbert
    Gavin Gilbert Posts: 4,019
    As stated previously, some people are too stupid to be allowed the vote. And now I'll extend that to ownership of fingers....
  • rdaviesb
    rdaviesb Posts: 566
  • TheBoyBilly
    TheBoyBilly Posts: 749
    Blimey, it seems like two people read the Guardian :roll:
    To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity - Oscar Wilde
  • OffTheBackAdam
    OffTheBackAdam Posts: 1,869
    Green taxes are a con, simply another way to screw money out of us.
    Is the money raised by them ring-fenced to be ploughed back into either research into viable non-fossil fuel energy, or into subsidsing energy saving initiatives? No, it's dumped straight into the pool and blown by the hopeless bunch in power, whether by their own actions or by Euro Diktat.
    You may notice that vehicles that emit more CO2, do so by consuming more fuel, thus paying more to travel the same distance as a lower emitting vehicle. More fuel bought = more fuel duty + VAT. They pay more anyway, also more VED and more when bought, since VAT is charged on top of the price plus car tax anyway.
    This £25 tax has been pitched very slyly in the media as being aimed at drivers of Porsches & "Chelsea Tractors". Go check what else it affects, want a people carrier, because you're a family with 3 or more children?
    The cost of diesel is putting large numbers of hauliers out of business, three went bust last week, Pawson in Rotherham (180 jobs lost), Ramage in Glespin (350 jobs) and JDR Distribution in Manchester/Tamworth (100 jobs, including mine!) 75% of goods bought into the UK by road, are now through foreign registered vehicles, who can fill up at the channel or Dutch ports, deliver here, get a back load and return.
    You dim lot who rage about the increased number of vehicles on the roads don't get it. An increase in population means more vehicles to carry them, public transport isn't sufficient (Ever tried taking a pushchair plus shopping onto a bus, let alone a crowded bus?) ditto the Tube or a train? Want to go shopping every day to get the family's food?
    The ones too stupid to be allowed to vote are the ones who vote Labour, and as for the Lib Dems! :roll:
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Wonderful isn't it? Gordon sells of most of our gold when it's at its lowest value and calls it "prudence". Now the price of gold has gone through the roof he blames all our financial ills on a global recession. He's a great one for taking the credit but ships out blame. It's great being governed by this lot isn't it!

    Excellent, proof at last that Tory Central Office has a repository of misleading bollocks for you clueless muppets to cut and paste into Web Forums. One of your right-wing-foaming-at-the-mouth chums posted exactly the same garbage on a couple of weeks ago.

    Gordon Brown did not sell gold at below the market price, he sold it at £270 to £280 per ounce which was the price of gold on the international market at the time of the sale. Furthermore the government was obliged to sell, together with other Central Banks, under Treaties intended to suppress the Gold Price.

    At least do your research before spouting off..... :twisted:

    Which is exactly what the quote you are attacking says. There is no suggestion it was sold at below its then market value

    Try keeping up with the polit and debating the issue instead of trying to spin the debate elsewhere
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @

    Twittering @spen_666
  • ivancarlos
    ivancarlos Posts: 1,034
    spen666 wrote:
    Try keeping up with the polit and debating the issue instead of trying to spin the debate elsewhere

    So back to environmental taxes... :roll:
    I have pain!
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    As far as I can see it, Nuggs, that's not a sustainable economy. Essentially, services are bo**ocks. It's real, tangible things, that you can sell, that provide a solid basis for financial security.

    We've managed to sustain Banking and Insurance for the past 300 years. How sustainable do you want?

    London is one of the main fianancail centres of the world... it's just a different way of looking at products. Companies from all over the world pay money to use our stock exchange and clearing houses
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14