Road bikes for big guys

sajimorph Posts: 2
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
Hi all,

I am new to road cycling and need a bit of advice. At the moment I have been riding round on a rusty old racer and it's a load of junk to be honest but I've been really enjoying taking it out for 10-20 mile rides. Anyway, I want to start taking it a bit more seriously and get a decent bike. The thing is that I'm quite a big guy (I'm about 6ft 5inches tall and weigh about 17 stone) and I was just wondering if race/road bikes are gonna support that kind of weight? The one I have at the moment feels a bit flimsy and I don't really want to shell out £500 on a new bike if my gigantic bulk is going to wreck it on the first ride. What sort of bike would you recommend? The idea of a quick road bike really appeals but should I steer clear of the racer style bikes and get something a bit more substantial? Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    17 stone is not that heavy........most reputable bikes should be fine.
    I like bikes...

  • I'm the same height and weight as you, and I've not experienced weight-related problems on any decent quality bike, except once: I snapped a pedal off a Brompton when trying to force it up hill in a high gear. Apart from that, it's never been an issue.

    Of course, your height could be a big deal, as it is for me :)