UK Housing finance situation....

top_bhoy Posts: 1,424
edited April 2008 in Campaign
Coming on top of bailing out Northern Rock to the tune of 35+ billion quid, is it right that the Bank of England will bail out British banks by offering a deal to swap hard-to-sell mortgages for 50+ billion quid of government bonds? Where/when will it all stop?

Those arguing for this bond deal as a good deal are surely arguing that the government must subsidise even more house-price inflation and the lenders who have fuelled it. Its surely time the housing market got back to more sustainable and realistic ratio levels, based on more solid fundamentals.

What way would you go? I'm curious to know what the current thinking is!!


The reason for asking is that I reckon this site would give a far more fair representation of the general population throughout the various areas of the UK, with people coming from a broad range of different financial backgrounds. Viewing financial sites I think could give a more prejudicial view from whatever vested interest was operating the site.