Motorists drive around dying cyclist

Mr_Cellophane Posts: 690
edited May 2008 in Campaign ... page_id=34

I think the worst part of this is not that he was knocked off by joy riders, but that his legs were broken by motorist who not only didn't stop, but couldn't even be bothered to drive round him.


  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    I seriously hope this is treated as a murder investigation with the same allocation of resources that any other murder would get, maybe more, as there seem to have been several other people who have acted illegally (not to say morally repugnantly) thereby contributing to the death.

    To treat it as a road traffic accident would be to cheapen the life of this man.

    a serious case of small cogs
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    More in the media here:
      The Sun
      Daily Mail
      Mail on Sunday
      Manchester Evening News
      BBC News 24
      This Is London

      Words fail me on this one!

      I'm not one to advocate bringing back hanging or the stocks, but that's how I feel about this - bring back the stocks so that I can take a running boot at the feckin' scrotes - and that's just the bastards that drove around him!

      My thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of Stephen.
      A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
    • fosmaal
      fosmaal Posts: 44
      This kind of incident make me sad and angry. It's unbelievable that people can be so inhumane.
    • helz
      helz Posts: 406
      Poor guy, what a terrible thing to happen. I can't believe the amount of people on the Mail on Sunday website who have commented that they wouldn't have stopped to help either because they'd be afraid of getting "sued by the police". So what if they get sued - they might have been able to help the guy and he might not have died! Or at the very least the victim's family wouldn't have to be going through the added pain of knowing that nobody cared enough to stop. The whole thing just sickens me.
      `.·´ .·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
      (¸.·´ (¸.·´
      Power to the pedal
    • mrchrispy
      mrchrispy Posts: 310
      south manchester init, pretty normal driving behaviour round here.
    • jpembroke
      jpembroke Posts: 2,569
      Poor bloke - hoorible and tragic story. I remember lying on the tarmac after a collision with a kid on a moped and being completely stunned by the number of cars that drove around me. It was weird - they drove really close to me so as to avoid the oncoming traffic and completely avoided eye contact with me. Sadly it seems to be fairly normal behaviour these days.
      I'm only concerned with looking concerned
    • Anonymous
      Anonymous Posts: 79,666
      That's the same thing they do out here in the southeast US.
    • tonywar
      tonywar Posts: 34
      The comments in the Manchester Evening Post are interesting. There are certainly a lot of shallow people around. One comment made me smile , it was about not looking for help from others when in trouble. I woud say that person has never been in a lfe threatening situation. When you are in serious danger trust me all help is gratefully accepted. As a nurse I found it beyond comprehension that you wouldn't stop to help in such a circumstance. This issue about being sued for doing something incorrect is phallacy. As a health care professional I am aware of the dangers of litigation, but I would rather try than do nothing.
    • markos1963
      markos1963 Posts: 3,724
      What a tragic story but unfortunatly an all to common one nowerdays. I have had first hand experience of this sort of situation when I was knocked off my motorbike. I was lying winded and still on the road with cars driving all around me. One kind sole stopped and attended to me but in doing so blocked the road. I could hear one driver come up and say "can't you drag the corpse out of the way, I've got a meeting to get to"!!!! My thoughts go out to the family of the cyclist, bad enough he was killed but to have to hear about his treatment afterwards must be horrendous :cry:
    • whyamihere
      whyamihere Posts: 7,719
      Not a particularly new thing unfortunately. I remember walking home with my grandmother 15 years ago when I was a mere nipper. A motorcyclist had crashed, and was lying on the pavement. We stopped to see if he needed any help (he didn't, fortunately), but all the cars going along the busy road had completely ignored the poor guy.
    • NWLondoner
      NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
      Well hopefully it was witnessed by CCTV and they can see ALL the number plates of the motorists who passed him by. Then they can either charge them and/or publicly humiliate/shame them all!!!!!
    • rustychisel
      rustychisel Posts: 3,444
      not exactly on point, but a pretty salient reminder of how effin' useless CCTV is as a deterrence to crime. That poor guy is still dead and those who left him in extremis are still scum.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      I\'m only escaping to here because the office is having a conniption
    • Some of the comments on the Mail site are interesting, but I wonder how many of the following:

      Threat of legal action
      Decoy for a muggin / carjacking
      Police may point finger of suspicion

      Actually really run through the motoists' minds. I suspect the only thing the drivers thought was 'oh', and they continued onwards