A pleasure

secretsam Posts: 5,121
edited April 2008 in Commuting chat
I'm off on my hols in a few days, and when I get back changes to my company and a reloation may mean the end of my London commute, in which case I'll miss it dreadfully, despite suicidal peds, bus Nazis and myopic car drivers.

But most of all I think I'll miss wasting time on here, smiling at the comments (and occasionally losing my rag...)

If I am to depart these shores, here's wishing you all tailwinds and downhills all the way.

It's just a hill. Get over it.


  • sem69
    sem69 Posts: 106
    Best of luck mate!
    I agree, I think I enjoy wasting my time on here more than the actual cycling!
  • hamboman
    hamboman Posts: 512
    Same thing's just happened to me *sniff*

    I've changed jobs and now my awesome commute from Fulham to Oxford Circus has disappeared. I miss it and its only been a week.

  • ekimq
    ekimq Posts: 20
    SecretSam and hamboman - don't let the lack of distance stop you commuting!

    I live just 2 miles from my place of work, but my average commute is about 10 miles :o You will find lots of creative ways to get from A to B when you decide that you really want to do it 8)
  • hamboman
    hamboman Posts: 512
    Thanks man. But my new commute would involve cycling along a three lane dual carriage way. I've done it twice and it's unbelievably unpleasant. I think that's it for me unless I move house.