Finally got my new bike!

cframe Posts: 171
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
Well boys and girls, after a fair bit of wait (and nearly ordering a bike 4 sizes too big!) I picked up my new bike from the LBS on Tuesday.

Ended up with a Trek 1.7 compact double with a 54cm frame and it's so far been great, albeit that's with only cycling the couple of miles to work and then back!

The turn of acceleration when you give it some effort is one of the biggest differences I've noticed so far from my old MTB, that and the obvious weight :)

Hopefully heading out for a big ride at the weekend to stretch it out a bit and see what it can do out of the rush hour traffic.

Cheers to everyone for all their advice while I was trying to work out which bike to get in the beginning!
How's that for a slice of fried gold?


  • RC21
    RC21 Posts: 166
    Nice one! :D

    I'm currently going through the process of finding the right bike - You got any pics of your new bike?
  • MrKawamura
    MrKawamura Posts: 192
    Nice looking bike that. Have fun.
  • cframe
    cframe Posts: 171
    I'll try and grab some pics tonight or over the weekend before it inevitably gets covered in road gunk!
    How's that for a slice of fried gold?
  • 996JAT
    996JAT Posts: 94
    Try and get the trek speed computer, fork speed sensor and hr strap.

    I got mine for my 58cm trek 1.7.

    Its really got got info,speed, ave speed, distance, time, higest hr, ave hr and it easy to use and see when riding.
