
Hi, over the last couple of days everytime I come to my comp I have been logged out of Bikeradar. I used to be able to stay logged in for days at a time, has something changed?


  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Log in and tick the remember me box?
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Posts: 535
    I was just about to say that there was no "Remember me" box when I log in. Then when I tried to post a reply it asked me to log in again and there was a "remember me" box. Very strange.
  • deltadawn
    deltadawn Posts: 168
    stoobydale wrote:
    I was just about to say that there was no "Remember me" box when I log in. Then when I tried to post a reply it asked me to log in again and there was a "remember me" box. Very strange.

    is it still happening to you? There still isn't any "remember me" box for me at all. :(

  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Posts: 535
    No, mines bee ok ever since.
  • No remember me box here either. Maybe it's something to do with Firefox? (I just updated to Firefox3). It's annoying having to log in every time...
    Hipster Nascar: A Blog About Track Cycling - http://www.hipsternascar.com.
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    Mine logs me out even when I tick the 'remember me' box. This is the only website I visit that doesn't hold my username/password... :?
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,708
    This confused me a couple of days ago... There's two login buttons, one at the top of the forum, and the green one above it for the main site. If you use the forum login, it will remember you, whereas the main site login won't. I have no idea why, however...