Wheel set advice please

stayhigh65 Posts: 611
edited April 2008 in MTB buying advice
Morning All

Hope y'all cool and groovy :)

New wheels are all that separate me from finally (finishing) my Slayer rebuild. I got a set of Crossrides which although are good wheels I didnt really like the look of them so have put them onto another build.

I had thought of the tried and tested xt hub/ xc717 combo from from Merlin or maybe a set of xt hubs with DT Swiss 4.2 rims. Both can be had for round £140 which is within my budget of £150.

I had also looked at the Fulcrum Red Metal 5 (£115) but dont really know anything about the make?

Any ideas peoples? My bike is 05 Slayer for xc/trail/all mountain type riding.
Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.



  • KonaMike
    KonaMike Posts: 805
    XT hubs with 717 rims built by Merlin are a good XC choice,I went for the XT hubs with 719 rims on their advice as they said although 719's are slightly heavier than the 717's (460g as opposed to 395g) they are a lot tougher for the rocky welsh trail centres I ride.(Plus ive broken one back wheel this year already)

    Ive since spoken to several other riders at Cwmcarn who have bent 717's and gone over to 719's.
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    I'd thought about the 719's for the increased toughness. I had also considered DT's as heard tell that they were quite robust though dont know anyone who rides them or how they compare to the Mavics
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • Once_In_A_Blue_Moon
    Once_In_A_Blue_Moon Posts: 269
    edited April 2008
    I use DT Swiss 4.2s rims with XT hubs on my Anthem and they are very good. I have also used the Mavic 717 rims that are mentioned above (can't remember what hubs were on it though) and to be honest, it's very difficult to choose between the two of them. I found the Mavic's freewheel better though and are slightly lighter (don't quote me on the weight though).

    Happy shopping!
  • Re the weight:

    DT Swiss 4.2D 400g
    Mavic 719 460g
  • Steve_b77
    Steve_b77 Posts: 1,680
    I've just fitted a set of Hope hoops with 5.1D rims to my pitch and they're great so if you;re after the lighter ones I'd go for the 4.2's.

    My mate has fitted the same thing to his Meta 5.2 and loves them
  • guilliano
    guilliano Posts: 5,495
    Can't go wrong with XT on 719's. I have them on my hardtail and love them to bits. They've taken a number of hits with a fat git aboard and never had a problem (other than a split rubber seal).
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    ^^ as above.

    Slightly heavier than the 717 but less prone to damage if you are a heavy rider (like myself)
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    In regard to strength how do the DT 4.2's compare to the 719's?
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Its a lighter rim, not quite as strong. The the build quality of the wheel will have more effect overall.
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    Will be getting Merlin to build them up for me so the should quality will be up to there usual high standards. Will probably go for the 719's was just curious about DT rims as dont know anyone who rides them.

    Would I be right in thinking that the DT EX 5.1D & E 540 are there equivalent to the 719?
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • Splasher
    Splasher Posts: 1,528
    If you can afford it a little more, XM819s are an investment. They're the same weight as 719s, just as strong(100kg rider around the Alps) but crucially allow you to ride tubed or tubeless without the hassle of kits.
    "Internet Forums - an amazing world where outright falsehoods become cyber-facts with a few witty key taps and a carefully placed emoticon."
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    A cunning plan where it not for the two Eclipse sets that I'd already ordered to go tubeless with :lol:

    After a quick shufty at the costs would have saved £4 for a somewhat more permanent solution. Oh the joys of hindsight... :roll:
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • KonaMike
    KonaMike Posts: 805
    You wont regret getting 719's ,Merlin will definately make a quality job of the build too,I got mine within 5 days of ordering !
  • Splasher
    Splasher Posts: 1,528
    stayhigh65 wrote:
    A cunning plan where it not for the two Eclipse sets that I'd already ordered to go tubeless with :lol:

    After a quick shufty at the costs would have saved £4 for a somewhat more permanent solution. Oh the joys of hindsight... :roll:

    If you've ordered the kits on-line, just send them back for a refund - Distant Selling Act means you are always entitled to a refund on mail order items.
    "Internet Forums - an amazing world where outright falsehoods become cyber-facts with a few witty key taps and a carefully placed emoticon."
  • stayhigh65
    stayhigh65 Posts: 611
    They were ordered and received a couple of weeks ago and one of them had been opened so would probably only get a refund for the unopened one if I was lucky.

    I could always get the 819's and use the Eclipse kits on the bike I'm building for my partner :idea:
    Wow great ship man. Looks like a fish, flies like a fish, steers like a cow.

  • roger-wp
    roger-wp Posts: 32
    KonaMike wrote:
    XT hubs with 717 rims built by Merlin are a good XC choice,I went for the XT hubs with 719 rims on their advice as they said although 719's are slightly heavier than the 717's (460g as opposed to 395g) they are a lot tougher for the rocky welsh trail centres I ride.(Plus ive broken one back wheel this year already)

    Ive since spoken to several other riders at Cwmcarn who have bent 717's and gone over to 719's.

    I've just had a report from one of my customers who's been using 717's on the downhill course at Innerleithen with no problems and he's 95kg. The only issue he has is the narrower width doesn't suit his tyres and has just ordered Stan's Flow rims for his next wheels.
