A recent Conversation at work

Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
edited April 2008 in The Crudcatcher
Had an interesting debate at work recently,

And was amazed at the split and misinformation about. it was about the legalisation of cannabis. just wondered on everyones feelings on this issue?


  • Cps
    Cps Posts: 356
    I don't no a lot about the stuff - but my opinion is -

    If it does have medicinal properties (eg pain relief in MS suffers etc) - then legalise for that purpose and produce under controlled conditions -

    for other 'recreational' purposes - then no - not enough is known about the side effects - nuerosis etc... and as such the floodgates could be opened for compensation claims against the gov't for allowing it.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    True, but we dont see the claims against Alcohol, so i dont see cases could be brought fwded.

    one of my thoughts is why is one legal and the other not,
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    My opinion is that much of the criminality of drugs is from the fact that they are illegal. and that the criminal justice system could be made more efficient by not doing people for possession for personal use.

    I think it is hypocritical that the government makes so much money from the taxation of cigarettes and alcohol (with all of the proven health risks associated with them), and demonises cannabis the way it does when less is known about its effects.

    I appreciate that studies have not been conclusive as to the long term effects (other than anecdotal evidence), but I do know that certain studies seem to contradict each other. It depends on the agenda of the organisation conducting the study as to the results. e.g. Governement says ooh bad mental health risks etc etc, while pro cannabis organisations say nah man... noting wrong here. The truth I feel is somewhere in the middle, but not sure exactly where.

    I don't know what the illicit drug market is worth, but surely it would be a tax goldmine.

    My opinion is that they should legalise the lot.....let the junkies OD and thatll be that.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Matteeboy
    Matteeboy Posts: 996
    I know two young blokes who are on heavy medication after completely spinning out.

    Both were heavy dope smokers.

    I think it's got too strong now and full of other nasties.

    While I don't disagree with it and have had the odd puff in the distant past, I have no interest in it now.
    Two Stumpjumpers, a Rockhopper Disk and an old British Eagle.

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593

    Im of a view, that its a great source of untapped tax for them. and should be put on a simlar level to acholhol
  • dhxcme
    dhxcme Posts: 1,467
    The goverment would ban cigs and booze if they could. The problem is that any government that banned them would be out so fast due to the fact that Britain loves a smoke and a drink.

    Canabis is already illegal so why change it to being legal and suffer a load of law suits.

    Oh and people are already sueing the tabacco and alcohol industry as fast as their greedy little hands can write the letters.
  • David Lund
    David Lund Posts: 602
    dhxcme wrote:
    The goverment would ban cigs and booze if they could. The problem is that any government that banned them would be out so fast due to the fact that Britain loves a smoke and a drink..

    I may be wrong but also they both bring in massive amounts of tax which means the government would loose loads of money every year.
  • dhxcme
    dhxcme Posts: 1,467
    But think how much cash is lost in police responce to bar brawls and NHS bills for smoking and drinking related illnesses.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Its many times stronger than our hippy Dad's in the 60s used to smoke lol. Seen some very heavy uses go completetly to pot. But isnt that always the case if you overdo something? Especially alcohol. Never seen anyone fight on weed.
  • dhxcme
    dhxcme Posts: 1,467
    That's becaue weed is a tranquilizer and all you want to do is chill out and feed your brain hence munchies. Alcohol is a depresant and so fighting seems ike a good idea due to the fact you feel crap and under the weather.

    Just like smoking is a stimulant which is why people smoke when tired or when getting up because it puts the brain on edge.

    And it's true about weed getting stronger plus the dealer doesn't give you a sheet with what it's been cut with like tabacco or alcohol companies do.
  • milkywhite
    milkywhite Posts: 534
    David Lund wrote:
    dhxcme wrote:
    The goverment would ban cigs and booze if they could. The problem is that any government that banned them would be out so fast due to the fact that Britain loves a smoke and a drink..

    I may be wrong but also they both bring in massive amounts of tax which means the government would loose loads of money every year.

    As far as I know (and I could be misquoting), smoking brings around £8Bn a year in revenue, compared to £1-2Bn in NHS bills due to smoking related illness. What Government is going to ban that?

    As for smoking weed...I don't think it will ever be legalised. It's tolerated in Holland because it doesn't seem to cause much trouble. Unfortunately, it seems to be part of the British culture to over-indulge in things, and that's when it causes problems. Alcohol is the classic case. We all (well, most) love to have a few at the weekend, and often this results in having too many. We all know what happens when that's the case.

    I'm not saying weed will cause the same problems as alcohol, as it's a different thing, but taking it too far, as the British will surely do, can only be a bad thing.
  • dhxcme
    dhxcme Posts: 1,467
    As far as I know (and I could be misquoting), smoking brings around £8Bn a year in revenue, compared to £1-2Bn in NHS bills due to smoking related illness. What Government is going to ban that?

    As for smoking weed...I don't think it will ever be legalised. It's tolerated in Holland because it doesn't seem to cause much trouble. Unfortunately, it seems to be part of the British culture to over-indulge in things, and that's when it causes problems. Alcohol is the classic case. We all (well, most) love to have a few at the weekend, and often this results in having too many. We all know what happens when that's the case.

    I'm not saying weed will cause the same problems as alcohol, as it's a different thing, but taking it too far, as the British will surely do, can only be a bad thing.

    Only too true.

    It's all about education and moderation. The French and Germans introduce youngsters to alcohol early on, in a controlled environment and don't just criminalise drinking like the Brit governement.
    Hence when young people in Britain get alcohol they go nuts because they may not get anouther chance for a while.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    I think thats one of the problems,

    People view most cannabis users as there version of alcoholics there not. use with in moderation.

    and most people smoke buds, so they can't be cut down with muck really.
  • dhxcme
    dhxcme Posts: 1,467
    Two of the lads I work with bought a bag of hedge clippings once of some dealer they met in the park.

    It was quite amusing to see him jump in a car and speed off about 10 seconds after the lads had payed up.

    The bag had a few flakes of canabis and the rest was whatever crud they could pass off as looking like dope.
  • fumps
    fumps Posts: 227
    I used to smoke a lot of it in my dafter & madder years . It's something you just grow out of.
    I kind of always veiwed it like drinking. some do it more than others. I was a harder smoker than most & i had mates who just smoked it occasionally, in the summer time.

    Never really had any adverse effects apart from a poor memory & less money. But apparently people can have mental problems so i suppose it's bad (Or thats what the powers that be say anyway).
    I still always say Drink is worse though. I have met some really nice people who are bright, intelligent, elequent people who when they have had a drink they just go mental.

    And i have lived next door to alcholoics thats are violent & aggressive people in reflection i've lived next to hard core stoners......i know who i would rather have as neighbours....the worse you get with the stoners is Pink floyd played loud.....& i dont mind Floyd
    Arrrghhh it's worse than i thought!!!!!