trek 1.5 bike shop upgrade

andy610 Posts: 602
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
im thinking of getting a trek 1.5 as a summer bike but want to change the wheels for silver ones and the front chainset for silver ones instead of the black ones which come as standard does anyone know of any shops what will do this for free or will i have to pay full price for bike then pay for the new parts,


  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    When I bought my Trek bike from my LBS, they did a couple of upgrades for the difference in the cost of the parts. It had to be done at the time of ordering, though, because they could then sell the parts they had taken off as new.
  • muz250
    muz250 Posts: 95
    Iv got the trek 1.5, Bike looks good standerd! (imo).

    I,d wait and upgrade to better groupset and wheels than spend money on minor changes.
    I have however orderd a white seat and white bartape For my bike For better comfort and because I want to change the position of my brake and gear levers.
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    a lot of shops will upgrade the wheels at time of ordering but...

    expect to pay full retail on the new wheels minus a small allowance to trade in the (usually) OEM only and (usually) rubbish std wheels which the shop will struggle to sell on.

    i;d get the bike and then start looking for a nice upgraded wheelset -= try and recoup some mney on the std ones through ebay or the like