What a difference

Barrie_G Posts: 479
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
Just got my new bike today, OK it's not a full on road bike but it's one hell of a lot better on the road than the Merlin Malt 4 Mountain bike I've been riding for the last two years.

Yep took delivery of a Felt F1X crosser this morning, though, as I don't like riding in the rain and the weather around here has been rather damp to say the least, I've only managed to have a quick 20 minute blast around the local cycle path. There's a nice down hill part about half way round where I normally try to see how fast I can get the mountain bike to go, but today there were some dog walkers on it so I had to take my time until I got to the bottom of the slope. So I thought I might as well give it some and see what sort of speed I can get out of it, I managed to get up to 26mph ( I can normally only get this going down hill on the Merlin) with three gears and plenty of energy left when I hit a swarm of black fly, they were so thick it was like riding into a bed sheet, so I slowed it right down and just took my time for the rest of the way :(

It certainly is a revelation though after riding an MTB for so long, the Felt is light, responsive and very manoeuvrable, I found my self accelerating up hills that would normally slow me down to under 10mph on the Merlin, I'm glad the Felt has the secondary brake levers, as I'm more used to this braking position, but to be honest I don't think that they'll be on for long as I found using the main brake levers more comfortable, the secondaries give a very upright but cramped position, but apart from this the bike seemed to fit me like a glove.

So I'm now in love with cycling again, and before anyone asks I got the crosser over a full on road bike as I like to go along a couple of bridal ways every now and then, and besides the roads around here are more pot hole than tarmac, so I wanted the bigger tyres.


  • Shadowduck
    Shadowduck Posts: 845
    I've cast an envious glance at 'cross bikes more than once - certainly wish I had one of those instead of a hybrid! Shame they're so piggin' expensive. :?
    Even if the voices aren't real, they have some very good ideas.