sick after 6 miles???? very worried

edited April 2008 in Road beginners
Hi i was out on the bike the other day during fairly windy conditions around 3pm after doing prob half a mile i started to feel terrible then after the 6 miles i had to stop and be sick. I think the problem may have been the lack of food throughout that day all i ate was a bowl of muesli around 10.30ish and bannana 20 mins before the ride. what caused this? i also notice if i go out with my mates and have even a few drinks the next day i'm really really sick. could i have an ulcer or what or is it unlikely for a 27 yr old who drinks maybe every 2 weeks? eats loads of fruit drinks at least 1.5 ltr of water a day but in the morning i have to take tablets but i normally dont eat as i dont feel hungry when i first wake up.
felix's bike

pedal like you stole something!!!


  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    It's GP time, mate, and no mistake.

    I new a guy way back who had a lot of unexplained vomiting and it turned out he had a hiatus hernia. Not particularly serious and easily fixed, but bloody inconvenient if untreated and, IIRC, as with so many things, likely to get worse if left.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    sloboy wrote:
    It's GP time, mate, and no mistake.

    I new a guy way back who had a lot of unexplained vomiting and it turned out he had a hiatus hernia. Not particularly serious and easily fixed, but bloody inconvenient if untreated and, IIRC, as with so many things, likely to get worse if left.

    I'm with sloboy. Don't ask about things like this on a forum. Go see a doctor for gods sake.

    Dennis Noward
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Go see the quack and find out if it is potentially serious, or whether you just got really bad bonk from lack of food (it can happen). Err on the side of caution would be my advice.

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    I'd get to the doctor and get it sorted, and not ride much either if you keep being sick, you might associate the bike with vomiting and then have to sell/give away Lucy to a new home. :shock: See that's what happens when you don't go to the GP :o
  • LUCY IS GOING NOWHERE!!! i'm just going to give them a buzz now.
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • see i went mountain biking on thurs and i was fine and it was fairly tough going but i had brekkies and ate before the ride and i was ok. i've cut out junk food of my diet ok it was only this week and after this weekend the alcohol stops. This wkend y? cos my local football teams going to hampden lol . :twisted:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!