Garmin 705 help required

howiejmidlands Posts: 389
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
I have acquired my new toy, and to be honest the little black box of tricks is impressive, if only let down by the feeble instructions.
What i need to know is how to create a route on Google map, and then upload it into the Garmin baby as a GPX file.

I need to upload a route for the Lakeland Loop next week, as their website has no GPX file i can see.

Any help is accepted.
Just a fat bloke on a bike


  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    I usually create course and ride them on my 305 (presume it will operate the same :S)

    I use bike route toaster, does autorouting, and puts the left and rights in

    Export as a mbcrs, and motion based will import it to your device, or export it as a gpx... or a tcx

    Hope that helps
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    Another good site is

    Also have a look at the motionbased forums as they'll have specific help:

    The Edge 705 forum is here:
  • The Bike Route Toaster is excellent.

    MAny thanks guys
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    I use Just remember to click the 'follow roads' checkbox on the left.
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    Does Bike Route Toaster automatically add the cue's i.e turn left to your Edge 205/305/605/705??
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    NWLondoner wrote:
    Does Bike Route Toaster automatically add the cue's i.e turn left to your Edge 205/305/605/705??

    Yep, doesn't do well with roundabouts though... You have to export it as a course though, and import it as such, it can put turn warnings in, but i havn't used them since some of the longer routes i do (80miles +) use 70% of the course total without the extra points...
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    I need to upload a route for the Lakeland Loop next week, as their website has no GPX file i can see.

    Any help is accepted.

    any use? I tried to open them in mapsource to no avail.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • i've found issues on my 605 with file formats. for example routes from in gpx format don't open or work in map source. in addition map source can't read the tcx files from the edge unit. there's a programme called "TCX Converter" that you can DL for free that fixes it all and converts between the file types.

    there's still an issue with some GPX files but generally if you can get it in KML as used by google earth you can sort it out using the converter
  • Mapsource and Garmin's devices are very picky about what GPX files they will accept. We are currently having fun sorting this out on, which Future also owns.

    I've made the necessary modifications to the Lakeland loop GPX file, and it loads into Mapsource on my system.

    Grab it here:

    (best to right click and 'Save link as...' or 'Save target as...')

    We expect to have Garmin-compatible files on very shortly.
    John Stevenson
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    I've made the necessary modifications to the Lakeland loop GPX file, and it loads into Mapsource on my system.

    whatever you did, it worked!! 8)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • If you can fly a text editor such as Textpad then it's not hard.

    Open the GPX file from Bikely (that's where the one on came from) as a text file.

    - replace all instances of rtept with trkpt and all instances of rte
    with trk

    Add <trkseg> right before the first trackpoint and add
    </trkseg> right after the last trackpoint .

    remove from the trackpoint list (that is, within the <trk></trk> tags) any <name></name> tags or <cmt></cmt> tags and their contents

    Alternatively, you can draw your route on our beta-test site,, and the generated GPX you download from there should Just Work.

    Be aware that there are no guarantees that we won't wipe or update the route database on at some point, so if you want to keep your route, copy it to
    John Stevenson