probably a daft question...

TheGreatGatsby Posts: 818
edited April 2008 in Workshop
...but I'm gonna ask anyways. On record brakes theres a wee lil spikey kind of washer that goes between the fork and the back of the brake. Is it necessary to be there?

The reason I ask is that on the Colnago Star forks there is a metal sleeve/washer type thing and when you put the brake on with the spikey washer the bolt doesn't reach it. Take the washer off and it sweet, use a longer bolt and it sticks out of the recess at the back! :?

Is there a specific reason for the spikey washer or can I run the brake without?

Sorry for the daft question!



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I think the spikey washer is there to grip the frame or fork to try and stop the brake from spinning and coming out of alignment.

    You could try it without the washer......but keep it safe in case you need it.
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    APIII Posts: 2,010
    I tried it without the washer. Actually, it fell off while mounting the brakes and I didn't notice :oops: You can't centre the calipers properly without it.
  • Steve928
    Steve928 Posts: 314
    I don't use the spikey washers on any of my brakes. Never really fancied them digging into either the forks or frame. They all seem to work just fine without and can be centred easily.

    And while on the subject, why do front brakes comes with 2 spikey washers while rear brakes only have 1? (or perhaps vice versa).
  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    Rears usually on one or both sides clamp onto round tubes?
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