Driven at, verbal abuse, cops not interested


  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    That's pretty grim!!

    I can't believe that the police aren't taking that seriously. You should find out who's in charge of your local cycling cops and see if you can speak to them, I'm sure they'll be interested. Failing that, I'd be visiting my local MP with the footage, I'm sure once he took an interest the cops would take a different approach.

    Who TF buys a soft top Escort anyhoo, should be jailed for that alone!!!!!!
  • SamWise72
    SamWise72 Posts: 453
    Wow. That's not nice at all. I'd have been climbing through his window, except he was gone pretty quick, Any idea what inspired that little torrent of love? Was he coming out of the side road, and didn't see you, or what? It's not like you said a WORD to him about it either.
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  • Parkey
    Parkey Posts: 303
    As I see it, he made a mistake by pulling out into the path of oncoming traffic, was upset that he'd made a mistake, and dealt with it by using the motorist's blame transference mechanism. Some people are so arrogant, especially behind the wheel, as to declare that every problem is someone else's fault.

    What's most depressing is that these are the people who never learn from their mistakes, because as far they're concerned they never make any.
    "A recent study has found that, at the current rate of usage, the word 'sustainable' will be worn out by the year 2015"
  • mrchrispy
    mrchrispy Posts: 310
    dont worry the police will take notice once your dead.

    they even say they takeaggressive/dangerous driving seriously and you should report these incidents for them to investigate

  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    The guy was apparently doing a three point turn in the main road - the original thread was posted on Cycle Chat (but no video at that point) a month or so ago, and nothing has happened with the police - so it's gone on you-tube now !
  • That is pretty bad, it's amazing teh coppers don'tdo anything.

    I've just watched some of the other videos on youtube linked from that one and there is a phenominal amount of incidents involving bad drivers. Make smy daily commute seem like a walk in the park.
  • All thsi "cycle craft" ? stuff he's quoting - what is it ? What is a good, and legal, refernce for where you can cycle on a road (highway code ?)
  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    All thsi "cycle craft" ? stuff he's quoting - what is it ? What is a good, and legal, refernce for where you can cycle on a road (highway code ?)

    Cycle craft is a book. Its published by the same people who publish the Highway Code (The Stationery Office - used to be HMSO). Its recommended reading for Bikeability, the National Cycle Safety Standard.

    (and its got a review from BentMikey, just inside the front cover!)
  • number9
    number9 Posts: 440
    It's not me in the clip, but you know what the cops said after magna's clips of bad drivers were shown?

    "Oh, always report it to us, don't take the law into your own hands!"

    Leaving aside the fact that filming is NOT taking the law into your own hands, the chap who filmed the above clip went to the cops and they couldn't give a flying fuck!

    This is the reality, you have actual hard evidence of adggressive, threatening behaviour and the cops do nowt.
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    That is a pretty shocking video, especially as it's the person in the car who shouts first, I guess it's just the first instinct of your atypical soft top escort driver, not having the higher brain capacity to articulate himself correctly (in this case to apologize) and instead yell a swear word!

    I can't say I'm surprised the police aren't interested, after all it might mean they have to do some bloody work for a change but how hard can it be to follow up on a complaint like this, especially given the evidence in that video which clearly shows the driver was in the wrong and used the car to intimidate the cyclist, I'm fairly certain if I decided to go racing at a crowd of coppers on my bike I wouldn't get away with it, and as a car can kill someone I think this should be treated in the same way as pulling a knife or gun on someone.
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  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    have the cops actually said the matters closed?
  • DavidTQ
    DavidTQ Posts: 943
    and as a car can kill someone I think this should be treated in the same way as pulling a knife or gun on someone.

    Totally agree using a car in a threatening manner should be treated exactly the same as threatening with a knife or gun.
  • richardast
    richardast Posts: 273
    I've watched that video a few times now and I think it's being blown out of proportion a tad.
    Yes, the driver is a moronic chav, but he did actually see the cyclist and stop.
    It could be said that having seen the driver doing a 3 point turn, even though it was the cyclist's right of way, it might have been courteous to slow down and let him out.
    It didn't look to me like the car even went particularly close when he came out - just revved his engine a bit.
    The only thing he was definitely guilty of, judging from the video,was a bit of industrial language.

    You have to wonder why these things keep happening to this bloke.

    Some cyclists seem to actually want to be able to consider themselves to be a member of a discriminated against minority.
    If I was a psychologist or a tabloid journalist I think I would call this behaviour "playing the cyclist card".
  • dunker
    dunker Posts: 1,456
    i think i agree with the above, though i don't cycle so fast as the chap in the video, i would have probably waved the motorist through seeing as he was in the middle of the road in a vunerable position himself, waves and smiles all round.
  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    richardast wrote:
    You have to wonder why these things keep happening to this bloke.

    The increasing number of sales of helmet cameras to commuting cyclists suggests its not just happening to this bloke
    richardast wrote:
    Some cyclists seem to actually want to be able to consider themselves to be a member of a discriminated against minority.
    Not by all drivers and in many cases not deliberately. Guess its how you start to feel when its your skull rather than your offside wing thats put in danger? I've been at work when someones come in muttering "F**cking cyclist" after some incident on the way in. Find out what happened and 2/3 the cyclist was acting within the HC. The rest is some kid on a BMX pavement cycling or RLJing.