Are You Based Near Witney?

skavanagh.bikeradar Posts: 1,097
I keep seeing people out and about round the Witney area and was wondering if any of these people are on here and if any of them are sportive entering types that might want a bit of company on training runs and travellign to events? It's rare to see anyone in team kit, so thought I'd see if anyone fancied linking up? I'm often out early in the morning to get rides out of the way so the rest of the day is cycling free for the other half!

I've got a couple of existing ride partners but due to logistics and family arrangements we don't get together as much as we'd like, it'd be nice to open the options up or add to our number a bit. As a guide we'd expect to clock 7hrs for the Circuit of the Cotswolds long route, 1hr for Alpe D'Huez, 26.30 for a 10, 70 for a 25, and about 2 mins 23 sec for a pint of Old Hooky.


  • Who are all those 'Men In Black' I keep seeing around Witney and the Oxfordshire Cotswolds then??!!
  • I'm determined to find someone........
  • MegaCycle
    MegaCycle Posts: 236
    I am in Oxford and regularly cycle the White Horse. I am doing the Etape this year and a few other things. Not very near Witney tho.
  • Hello! At least I found someone in the same neck of the woods, if not quite local. Which roads do you train on most often? I'm guessing it's not Minster Lovell, Leafield, The Wychwoods, Charlbury, Chadlington, Chipping Norton.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    If I ride on my own (as opposed to with club) I often go through Minster Lovell, Leafield, Charlbury, Chippy etc...but I'm not a man dressed in black I'm afraid. :)
  • Were you at the White Horse Challenge yesterday? I got ready opposite a BMCC rider, I was wearing the kit although I'm a lapsed member as I'm so far from Bicester these days. Anyway if it was you, sorry for not introducing myself.
  • BMCCbry
    BMCCbry Posts: 153
    Yes, there were 7 of us. You could say we had a pretty eventful day...

    No worries. See you on the Circuit of the Cotswolds!?
  • So I hear. Yep see you in Witney in June.
  • There is a regular training group which goes our from Witney every Saturday, currently departs at 09:30, (sometimes in the summer we have gone earlier at 09:00). There is usually between 8-15 riders, but there have been times when we have had 25+. The meeting place is the layby near the Witney Tennis Club (at the top of the Deer Park Estate).
  • Which club would that be then? Or is it something less formal? I think I've found the Witney people.........
  • It is not a club just a group of guys that ride together, although last year we did get some kit made.
  • Thanks for the info. What sort of mileage/pace and/or events do you do?
  • Pace depends on who turns out, some are faster than others, and we will generally wait to regroup at the top of a hill etc. A number of the group race, both road and time trials, some do sportives, a few just ride for fun. Generally a cafe stop on route, average ride is about 3 - 3.5 hours, plus whatever you ride to get to the depart.
    Best bet just pitch up, ride, and see what you think.
  • Forgive me, I'm a bit slow so sorry for the long gap in taking notice of the last comment. The depart time doesn't suit but I could make it every now and then with negotiating a pass with wife and child...........are you still getting out on the same day at the same time? Probably couldn't make it for a few weeks now anyway, but I'd like a bit of company from time to time!
  • Hi, thought id put a note on here, as like many witney cyclists, there is no road club for us....

    SO im setting one up! more info at am also looking for people to help run it!

  • oxoneil
    oxoneil Posts: 147
    Your URL doesn't seem to be working.