Rear suspension play on Marin Rift Zone 2006

Stu 74
Stu 74 Posts: 463
edited April 2008 in MTB workshop & tech
During cleaning my bike yesterday I noticed that there is some play in the rear suspension. :( It is only a small amount (less than 1mm of movement) but I haven't noticed it before and I'm pretty sure that I would have done had it been there.

Have tightened all of the suspension pivot points but the play is still there.

I really want to get this sorted as soon as possible so that I can make the most of the lighter nights and I also have a big ride planned for Saturday.

I have booked the day off work tomorrow to have a look at it. I was going to strip down all of the pivot points and check out the bushes and bearings for wear and then hopefully obtain replacements.

Is this the correct course of action? What's the quickest way to get replacement parts and how long is it likely to take?

If I can't fix the problem or get parts quickly is it safe to continue to ride the bike or will this cause further damage to the bike or myself? I didn't notice anything on my last ride.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Many thanks



  • god1406
    god1406 Posts: 554
    When the pivots wore out on my bike, I contacted Haro about replacement bushings, and was told that they don't stock parts for bikes that are not in this year or last year's ranges...

    A small amount of play in a 2006 bike is probably reasonable.

    I had to make new bushings myself out of oilite. They're better then the originals anyway, and gold :wink:

    edit: you booked the day off work to work on your bike? nice one!
  • Stu 74
    Stu 74 Posts: 463
    Cheers for the reply.

    Stripped down all of the suspension linkages and shock pivot points. It looks like the problem is with the bushing that connects the bottom eyelet of the shock to the frame. It doesn't appear to be particularly worn or oval or anything but upon closer inspection this is where the movement appears to be.

    Can't feel it when riding the bike so I guess it will just be a case of keeping an eye on it and replacing the bushes if they get too worn.

    Anyone else have a small amount of play in their rear suspension? Is this normal?

    Although the bike is 2006, have only had it (new) since June 07 and the bike has down about 1000km (although in all sorts of conditions!)


  • Stu 74
    Stu 74 Posts: 463
    Looks like this is what I need!

    Its already on its way!!! :D

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    If you want new bearings for your swingarm or suchlike, take it to a marin dealer and you'll get them for free.

    I've had mine since 1998 (or 1999, one of the two!) and I'm STILL getting free bearing replacements! woohoo!

    but, I don;t think you get shock bushings free. They're kind of sacrificial parts anyway, and they only cost a couple of pennies.
  • Stu 74
    Stu 74 Posts: 463
    Ah so I take it the bearings are guaranteed on Marins?

