Stiff after cycling

pdrolo Posts: 127
edited March 2008 in Workshop
OK - I am no spring chicken (44) and I am returning to cycling after a year off through injury. Starting to up the mileage to 50-60 per week - But I am so stiff - i do stretching exercises - but when I get on the bike I can barley look behind to check for traffic.

This happens on both road & mtb bikes - the ride bike is fitted to my bio racer profile....

Any ideas why I get so stiff...
Roadie with an MTB


  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Not wanting to say you are strething wrong or anything, and being the same age as yourself (hey we're not old!), i always go by a certain web page for very good stretching exercises. nb, i only stretch after a ride, never before.

    I don't have the url at present, sorry and wondering if somone else can post it for you/us.
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    I'd agree with Giant.

    But also how long have you been doing these stretches for as you've just come back to cycling.

    I treat flexibility in my mind like any other gain, it takes time and patience. I might be wrong, but that's how i imagine it.
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    hi mate, 44 isnt old.. My mom and her Partner are in their 50 - 60's and they had the same issues when they were getting into serious road biking. They used to need to have a week of no riding after going for a 20 - 30 mile run just to recover. Now days they can ride 30 - 40 miles and do the same the next day.

    One I think its a shock to the system and Two I think its your body takes a bit longer to recover as your muscles are not used to getting such a work out. One thing you must try and remember is muscle memory is a very important part of riding.

    When starting out Its better to ride 5 or 6 miles each day and build it up rather then riding a big 30 - 40mile ride and doing yourself in for the rest of the week. The 5 - 6 mile rides will help your body to use and fix your muscles each day. Eating the right food and taking some supplements will help a lot.

    I recommend to using some Glucosamine and strong cod liver oil capsules to keep your bones and joints nice and lubed up.

    Here is a site with a heap of info for you. Its probably the best site I have ever found for cycling. The link below is just for the Stretching advice.
