Different criteria for 'What bike?'

Belv Posts: 866
edited April 2008 in MTB beginners
I don't have a set budget so i don't need to know what i can get for a certain amount. What i need is a guide as to what would constitute a good entry level bike. Hardtail or bouncy (if so, how bouncy!)? Do i need Deore, LX, XT? Hydraulic discs or normal v-brakes? I know what it all means, but have looked at so many specs that i can't see the wood for the trees anymore. I will be doing 90% XC riding with the other 10% on whatever else there is to play on at the country's purpose-built venues (trips planned to Thetford, South Wales, Epping, maybe Scotland later in the year, Swinley Forest). Maybe a XC race will be pencilled in for the end of next year, so a bike that can get me from off-road newbie to there will be perfect. Any ideas?


  • pcsplace
    pcsplace Posts: 118
    Hi Belv, I wasin the same boat as you in sept last year. I bought a Hard Tail GT thinking that it would do me for now and then in the future I would look at upgrading. Unfortunately 4 months later and I have now been looking for my next bike (just ordered an Orange 5 Pro), so I will now have two bikes when looking back I should have spent abit more originally rather than settling on some entry components.

    In terms of what you should be looking for it really does come down to budget and how often you are going to use the bike. Hydraulic brakes are great but can sometimes be not worthwhile at the lower price range (e.g my wife has mech disk brakes and I have hydraulic disk brakes, to me her brakes feel alot more responsive, but then my hydraulic brakes are entry level and her brakes are a higher end mechanical variant). Obviously the more you spend the better the bike will be, however there are still some very good 2007 models available at vastly reduced prices to clear old stock for instance the marin on this site are superb value.

    http://www.rutlandcycling.com/ProductsL ... 85f6874bab

    I recommend that you try and set a budget, look at various options in magazines and read forums etc but also goto your local bike shop and see the bikes in the flesh. The name of the game here is to demo the bikes! You may just find that the bike will pick you (someone else on this forum told me that and it was true with the orange 5). Everyone has different tastes, take advice on board but the decision has to be your own.

    I am happy to answer any questions you may have in the search for your new ride!!
    Orange 5 Pro 2008
    GT Avalanche 2.0 2007
  • Belv
    Belv Posts: 866
    edited April 2008
    Thanks Pcsplace, what you experienced is exactly what i am hoping to avoid!

    I have become rather keen on Konas, but keep changing my mind between a higher-spec HT and a lower-spec FS, specifically the Caldera http://www.konabikes.co.uk/2k7bikes/caldera_2k7.php and the Dawg http://www.konabikes.co.uk/2k7bikes/dawg_2k7.php

    The only thing that makes me wonder about FS is that i have read somewhere they can mask bad riding in beginners. Do you have any thoughts on this (or the bikes i mention)?

    (BTW read through your own journey, it was quite useful)
  • gk141054
    gk141054 Posts: 175
    I too am in the same situation as the Op...

    I can spend max £400 and not sure whether to get the GT Avalanche 2.0 Disc @ £400 (hydro brakes and sus etc) or go for the Mongoose Tyax Elite @ £300... (mech brakes etc) or thousands of alternatives

    I know what pcsplace is saying about going for the higher spec and spending more rather than buy a cheapie and then have to upgrade later, but on the flip side for me, if I get a bike and don't enjoy XC (unlikely) or more likely (but hopefully not) just don't get time to use it as much as I thought... then its money down the drain...

    I have a habit of hearing about a new sport / hobby, going mad getting all the stuff and then giving up after a while for various reasons...

    I brought the full snowboarding kit out in the US after 5 lessons and then never used it - luckily buying from the US it was dirt cheap and I sold on ebay for a profit... I doubt i'll have that luxury with a bike.
  • HixX
    HixX Posts: 90
    gk141054 wrote:
    I have a habit of hearing about a new sport / hobby, going mad getting all the stuff and then giving up after a while for various reasons...

    My God! You must be my long lost twin!
    Oohhh me legs hurt !!