Bored? want to play a game?
On a broken0
hearted Peter Andre0
and his tart0
seeking more publicity
-Spider-0 -
adopting Paul Daniels0
Then drowning him0
hanging upside down0
until his wallet0
opened to reveal0
Debbie McGee holding
-Spider-0 -
a camel's largeJustice for the 960
penis to her0
husbands unsightly little
-Spider-0 -
Contract. Feeling wetPeter0
wet wet's music0
Pounding in his0
magical top hat
-Spider-0 -
from Jordan's wordrobe0
in her caravan
-Spider-0 -
museum which has0
Peter Andre locked0
To an electrified0
railway waiting for0
a career boost0
Or a job0
baker in Cleethorpes
-Spider-0 -
Who baked his0
beans after emptying0
them into a0