Bored? want to play a game?
a cows backside0
smothered in mustard0
ready to be0
spread for a0
mutter with butter0
balls gently squeezing0
And out of0
a dark unpleasant0
deep hole full0
Of big scary0
brown things that0
Go plop when0
they drop like0
pebbles in ponds0
or if theyJustice for the 960
float because you
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Stuck them up0
in the loft0
Near the body0
of Great Aunt0
Agatha's stool collection0
as well as the very0
lot of words0
when three suffice0
and no more
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verbosity from newbies0
who use stabilisers0
to count beyond
-Spider-0 -
the cookie monster0
Which also sells0