Bored? want to play a game?
as they don't
-Spider-0 -
smell of roses0
and look like
-Spider-0 -
enormous kiwi fruit0
stuck from a0
tree. Before long0
tall Sally goes0
across the universe0
looking for a
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Young Soul Rebel0
with a fluffy
-Spider-0 -
stuck up his0
central heating flue
-Spider-0 -
out the door0
and round the0
buttery biscuit base0
where Giuseppe Garibaldi0
under House Bourbon0
met Earl Grey0
and Countess Lucky
-Spider-0 -
revealed their predilection0
and shat on a turtle.0
three tres তিন0
four quatre +0
counting to three
-Spider-0 -
is quite simple0
1, 2, 30
exceeds three though0
suction on their0
one eyed python_________________________________________________
Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
Giant Defy 105 20090