Bored? want to play a game?
who uses it0
but doesn't abuse0
the buskers who0
sing nursery rhymes0
about their mummy'sRibble Gran Fondo
Focus Black Hills
Raleigh Chopper0 -
body parts, how0
they decomposed in0
his back yard0
while he sang0
shang a lang0
nissum dorma, and
-Spider-0 -
nelly the elephantJustice for the 960
sat on a0
cat, that wasJustice for the 960
already dead from0
the waist down0
so waved regally
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while sitting on0
the very long0
and winding road
-Spider-0 -
to nowhere which0
is as far0
and away superior
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to a kipperJustice for the 960
as a hat0
trick by Gazza0
all offside by
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the b*stard in0
the black, who
-Spider-0 -
lives in a0