Bored? want to play a game?
. The doctor ordered0
a plug, he0
fitted it with
-Spider-0 -
from the comunialI like bikes and stuff0
woke up screaming
-Spider-0 -
said that heI like bikes and stuff0
should have used0
some butter between0
on his anus0
before attempting more0
extreme one liners
-Spider-0 -
star jumps. Rather0
which, strangely, wasI like bikes and stuff0
what they were0
trying to attempt0
to pass exams0
using answer sheets0
gleaned from t'internet0
with the date0
of the winterI like bikes and stuff0
of discontent, when0
I used candles0
to see my0
front wheel butJustice for the 960
burnt my eyebrows0
avoiding a badger0
which tried to0