Bored? want to play a game?
dioxide making machine0
built onto his0
back garden wall0
by a bunchJustice for the 960
that were rusty0
because they hadJustice for the 960
been left out0
in the rain,Justice for the 960
with a hole0
in the side"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
that lets out0
water. During the"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
ride it was0
very hot under0
the midday sun"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
, he was burning0
through a very"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
fast pace, only0
to find out"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
it was all0
in vain. Later"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
that evening when0
the moon andJustice for the 960
stars were talking"Train your weaknesses, race your strengths."0
to each other0
about what theyJustice for the 960
wanted to be0