Which Frame ?

jon prothero
jon prothero Posts: 469
edited March 2008 in MTB buying advice
I am looking at the possibility of getting a full suss frame with around 4/5" of travel that will do as a all rounder. Needs to have low stand over though as my inside leg is only 29 inches with shoes. Most top tubes are 30" even when the size is a 14/X small. I have noticed that although the top tube length changes stand-over height only gets a little higher no matter what size bike your getting which is great for all you taller riders but not great for me as chuckability and plum trouble are comprimised!

Many thanks


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    how much do you wanna spend and are you prepared to ride a 2nd hand frame?
  • I am ebaying and in the process of ebaying stuff not sure how much I will raise but I seem to get money from somewhere if its to do with bikes! All I can see at the moment is Yeti frames
    very expensive though! Yes I would be prepared to ride a s/h frame... superficial scratches do not worry me but potiencial frame failure would! What have you got in mind and approx price?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    im toying with the idea of selling the stumpy frame. having ridden my willow more often recently makes me realise the stumpy could be a touch too small.
  • Looks just the ticket with that top tube is it a small size frame?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    its a medium, but my wife rides it most of the time. she is about 5 foot 8. when she rides it the saddle is a bit lower and pushed forward a bit and fits her fine.
  • Not too sure I am 5.7' and would like a frame I could throw around a bit my small mata 5.5.1 has got a 29" standover which i am resting on and i think the meduim stumpjumpers standover is similar I might be wrong though. I would ideally like to have a good couple of inches spare 27" or lower?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i could go and give it a measure, be right back
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    looks like it'll be too big mate, just measured it and it is about 28 inches. prob for the best, not certain if i deffo wanna sell it. :?
  • Yes I bet you will love it again in a couple of weeks and feel ashamed that you ever thought of selling. I do really like my 5.5.1 fits great accept the top tube. but then manufactures are aware of the problem of it being nearly impossible to build a full susser with 26 inch wheels with a standover height less than 29 inchs. The only one i have seen so far is the yeti with its v shape at 27'.

    Thanks for looking though!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    no problem mate, good luck with your search. i love the stumpy as i built it with my own fair (ish) hands but my willow really replaces it. i have a niggling ache to get a reign again. might put the whole bike up and see how it gets on.
  • Yeah your willow looks great I have to twist my pikes to get good angles up and down... you can push a button. grrrrrrr I want that button!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    haha, its strange at first but after a few rides its such a brilliant idea, it makes an enormous difference, you would not wanna ride a bike that goes that slack up hill, and with the button, you dont have to!!