spd movement

fuzzy logic
fuzzy logic Posts: 39
edited April 2008 in Road beginners
I have recently started using clip[less pedals. I have no problem cliping in and out, but what annoys me is the side ways movement of the shoe. Dose this happen because the cleat's aren't tight enough? Or I am not clipped in correctly?


  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Are you talking about rotation of your foot - they don't move side to side, but there is float...ie the angle of your foot will move.. your heal will move in or out...

    I'll say this - you need the float.... or your knees do...as your feet will naturally adjust to the best position, and change during a ride.

    You will get used to the float - believe you me - the old non floating pedals were bad news for knees....
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    You're probably feeling the float that some models of SPD cleats have. You can adjust the tension to reduce the movememnt but this will mean unclipping will be harder.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • SPD pedals have a degree of float, the movement you are feeling, i beleive you can buy seperate cleats which have different amounts of float. You can definately get different cleats for Look pedals to reduse the movement, I would have to check if thats the same for shimano
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I don't think adjusting tension will reduce float (not on SPD's anyway), it just adjusts the force required to unclip.

    You do need float, but maybe you are talking about something else (sideways movement isn't float - float is more of a rotation, maybe 5 degrees), are your cleats actually firmly fixed to your shoes? (I reckon the must be or clipping out would be trickier). You need float because your feet/knees/legs will not maintain exactly the same orientation around the complete pedal stroke (unless you are blessed with a geometrically perfect body!), and without float, the necessary rotation would have to take place in your joints, especially knees - not good!

    I would say it is hard not to be clipped in correctly (again I can only speak of SPD's), you are either clipped in or not, so that shouldn't be the issue.

    What shoes and pedals are you using?
  • Thanks for youre replies, Ive got used to the float now, but what happens now is that the ball of my foot (both) start to get numb after about 10 - 15 miles. What needs adjusting? The shoe is specialized Tahoe.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    You could try slight movements fore or aft of the cleat (I suspect aft), or with the Specialized insole there is an arch support (a bulge) under the ball of your foot, it may not suit you - try another insole.

    Finally (though I doubt it) the Taho's (which I have and find fine) are not so rigid in the sole as some shoes because they are suited to walking off the bike. A more flexy sole may transmit more pressure to the ball ofyour foot.
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    You might be better off with Look type pedals. SPDs have a small platform which does not offer as much support as a road pedal.
  • You could try Shimano A520s (I think). They are a MTB spd but have a road style cage that give your feet more support. This might prevent the numbness. I use them on my road bike with Specialised Comp MTB shoes and find them fine. They look ok and weight is good.