Odd puncture

allen Posts: 214
edited March 2008 in Road beginners
Out this PM in the lovely weather not ! At the top of a short climb I noticed my front tyre was soft. Stopped and thought that as i was near home that I would see if I could get enough air in it to get me there. Pump it up 65/70 psi. Ride gently. Stop pump it up nice and hard. Get home riding gently. Think to myself this seems odd so before i clean my bike i pump it up to 100/110 psi with my track pump. Clean off bike. Tyre still fine. Check pressure fine. Listen to tyre very closely. No sound. Check tyre no obvious cuts , flints glass. So what should i do ? And if its not a puncture what caused it ? BTW its a Conti tyre on the standard wheels that came with my Scott. Oh and one more question. When I put my pump onto the valve it lets the air out of the tube. The track pump does not do this so am I doing something wrong.


  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    If it's lost pressure by tomorrow then time to check for punctures or faulty valves...
  • gimboid
    gimboid Posts: 24
    I had something very similar today; I forgot to tighten the little locking nut on the top of the valve and wondered why going more than 10mph was suddenly such hard work :oops:
  • allen
    allen Posts: 214
    Twas a puncture. Tiny pin prick. Well all changed now. Just getting the knack of the repair all part of joy ; )