Bib shorts V Shorts

Tomhudd Posts: 6
edited March 2008 in Road beginners

Please could somebody tell me the advantages of Bib shorts over ordinary lycra shorts.

There seem to be a lot more bib shorts available than ordinary shorts; surely this can't be due to fashion!

What bib shorts / shorts do people recommend?



  • Bib shorts are comfier as they don't have a waste band to pinch you or rub. The bib bit also keeps your stomach, lower back and kidneys warmer than 'normal' shorts as there is no gap between shorts and jersey, particually on the lower back.

    the list of bibshorts available is as long as your arm but for rides lasting a few hours these are a good starting point ... b%20Shorts

    Cycling - The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    The other advantage is that there's no risk of showing your @rse crack to the world if you wear bibs!
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    Bibs are just better in all departments.

    I can't think of any area where normal shorts are better.
  • HungryCol
    HungryCol Posts: 532
    Bid shorts are better/more comfy for those of us that have, ahem, bay windows.
    Every winner has scars.
  • luke2792
    luke2792 Posts: 37
    I got some bibs and shorts and i would advise trying the bibs on befor you get them to make sure the shoulder straps aren't too tight

    i get aggrivated by mine after a few miles because i dont like them pulling down on my shoulders - too tight
  • benvickery
    benvickery Posts: 124
    Last summer when I started cycling I bought my first pair of shorts, at the time I didn't buy bibs because I thought they looked stupid. I bought a pair of bib tights this winter and they are so much more comfortable. Bibs are looser on the waist and they don't roll over. I'll be buying another pair of shorts soon and I'll definitely be buying bibs.

    The bib shorts hyperlinked above look really good to me, dhb stuff might not have a flashy name but the clothes I have are good quality and were very affordable.

    FCN : 4
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    Bibs are just better in all departments.

    I can't think of any area where normal shorts are better.


    That's awkward, but you get used to it.

    Bibs are better

    Giving it Large
  • Morpeth
    Morpeth Posts: 104
    Bibs here too, keeps them up, stomach and base of back warm. Be warned... assos and some more racey brands shape the bibs so they are a little aukward standing up (fit perfectly when seated). Endura are ok though, cant comment on others.
  • wilkies80
    wilkies80 Posts: 67
    Bibs here as well. Only time I wear shorts is underneath my bib tights that have no padding.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I buy some really cheap shorts from decathlon just to wear under non padded bib tights.
    For summer wear, always bib shorts.
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    Bib shorts/tights are certainly comfortable but no more so than ordinary shorts with clip-on braces ... and the ordinary shorts are much more convenient at times.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    I must say I've never had problems with cold back/kidney/wherever from using normal shorts and I've ridden in snow, so have no idea quite where that argument comes into things. Can't say I've ever had any problems with the waist rubbing either.