How good is PSP22

sithebike Posts: 213
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
Just wondering how much of a difference does PSP22 make?
The last couple of rides I have noticed my energy levels dip after about 45 miles.
I have porridge for breakfast before I go out and then just drink water.
I have been thinking about trying PSP22 for a while.. what are your views on it?


  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    it's worth a try - it's not as offensive tastewise as some. it doesn't upset my stomach, although we are all different in that respect..

    you can buy it in sachets in Tesco for 99p each - get a couple to try and if you like then buy the tubs to make it a bit cheaper (it's still not cheap though)

    you do need something on 45+mile rides thats for sure.

    The go gels give an instant kick too - but taste awful - think of them as essential fuel and just gulp them down.
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,708
    Personally, for me, it's useless, as it tastes to bad I want to vomit... I know other people who like it though. Try some before you buy a tub.
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    edited February 2008
    I've only tried the blackcurrant. I didn't find it too bad.
    I've still got about a third of the 1.6kg container and haven't used it for a few weeks favouring Powerade and fig rolls and/or Kelloggs Fruit 'n' Fibre bakes of late.
  • phelim
    phelim Posts: 91
    psp22 works and is easy on the stomach. most lbs should have it.
  • I found it OK, but when mine runs out I plan to buy some plain maltodextrin which is the main ingredient in most energy drinks. It is available on line from lots of body building shops and is really cheap.

    The advantage to buying the plain stuff is that it isn't really sweet and you can flavour it to taste - I like fairly sharp drinks when cycling so I think I'll go for lemon squash.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    You can buy it without flavouring and add your own if you need to. It's cheaper than the flavoured offerings too.
    I think it does work, and I like the Go gels too. They're not sickly sweet like every other gel I've tried.
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    I found it OK, but when mine runs out I plan to buy some plain maltodextrin which is the main ingredient in most energy drinks. .

    If you get PSP22 Original, it's the only ingredient!

    The flavoured stuff has a bit of fructose and salt in as well, which you could of course add yourself if so inclined.
  • you can buy it in sachets in Tesco for 99p each

    Ive never heard of Tesco'c selling it, since when?
  • woody-som
    woody-som Posts: 1,001
    I always use psp22 original. It tastes of nothing when mixed. Flavour it with organge/blackcurrent etc if you want. Also PSP11 is basically the same but cheaper (wiggle sell that)
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    zebedeecp wrote:
    you can buy it in sachets in Tesco for 99p each

    Ive never heard of Tesco'c selling it, since when?

    ages - only place I have even bought it.

    They have a "fitness" aisle - with womens' aerobic clothing and stuff - it's on there. The sell the PSP, the electrolyte one (whatever thats called), the gels and the bars.
  • sward29
    sward29 Posts: 205
    I know its popular with many riders but I always find the taste of the artificial sweeteners overpowering. Have recently switched to High 5 which has independent research which suggests that it is more effective than PSP22 but the main reason that I use it is that it tastes far nicer, particularly the fruits of the forest version. It still tastes sweet but at least it tastes sugary.

    The best advice I can give you though is that the best drink for you is the one that you like the taste of. As others have reported here already, if it makes you won't to vom then you won't drink it.
  • I have started to mix smoothies with water for a similar effect. Have used PSP22 and PSPgo for most of the races I rode last year, and for me its no better than diluted fruit juice
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Doesn't PSP22 have lots of aspartme in it? Not sure that stuff agrees with me as I always end up farting like a sprout-eating champion if I glug a lot of PSP22 drink :oops: At the moment I am sticking with the Dextrose tablets and usual drink to wash them down. I know that the tablets are a bit chalky, but at least they don't crease me up.

    Besides, aren't PSP22, PSP et al. a recipe for a dental disaster in the long-term :?:

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • fluff. wrote:
    I found it OK, but when mine runs out I plan to buy some plain maltodextrin which is the main ingredient in most energy drinks. .

    If you get PSP22 Original, it's the only ingredient!

    Yes - but at a much higher price than I can get unbranded maltodextrin.
  • I just put in an order for 1KG of maltodextrin. £3.99 for 25 sachet equivalents. That's 16p per equivalent dose of psp22. One problem I foresee is when I got to Majorca in April I won't be taking it with me because It's too much like cocaine. I'll still buy sachets for that.
  • I just put in an order for 1KG of maltodextrin. £3.99 for 25 sachet equivalents. That's 16p per equivalent dose of psp22. One problem I foresee is when I got to Majorca in April I won't be taking it with me because It's too much like cocaine. I'll still buy sachets for that.
  • [i
    ]I just put in an order for 1KG of maltodextrin. £3.99 for 25 sachet equivalents. That's 16p per equivalent dose of psp22. One problem I foresee is when I got to Majorca in April I won't be taking it with me because It's too much like cocaine. I'll still buy sachets for that.[/i]

    I have used PSP22 for over 2 years just for 'energy'- agree its expensive especially 2 Gym trips pw + weekends.

    Your suggestion how 'do you add flavour'? e.g would i just add water then say Ribena(blackcurrant low sugar)
  • I use this stuff ...

    Much the same.

  • jpembroke
    jpembroke Posts: 2,569
    I use the SIS GO stuff - lemon and lime flavour. It tastes alright and the addition of electrolytes makes it more useful in hot weather than standard PSP22. Also use the gels before races: work but not particularly pleasant.

    In winter I don't bother with any of it, just stick to blackcurrant or pink grapefruit squash.
    I'm only concerned with looking concerned
  • Being a cheapskae myself I suggest the following:

    allow 1/2 pint of boiling water to cool , add 1/2 pint fresh orange juice ( or any other pure juice for that matter) and a pinch of salt. Works as well as any isotonic -type drink. If you need more carbs add 50-100g of maltodextrin and shake well.
  • woody-som
    woody-som Posts: 1,001
    I just put in an order for 1KG of maltodextrin. £3.99 for 25 sachet equivalents. That's 16p per equivalent dose of psp22. One problem I foresee is when I got to Majorca in April I won't be taking it with me because It's too much like cocaine. I'll still buy sachets for that.
    where from?
  • don_don
    don_don Posts: 1,007
    I got some Torq energy (flavourless carb powder, no electrolytes) in a 3kg tub which seemed reasonably good value. However, I think I'll check the cheap maltodextrin next time.

    My favourite drink is SIS Go (with electrolytes) which seems to suit me well. I've tried loads of 'sports drinks' over the years, some of which I could stomach and some I couldn't. So maybe expreimentation is worth it.

    One thing I won't try again is any home-made concoction of fruit juices and salt etc. Despite reassurances in various magazines etc, I found these a complete waste of time. Admittedly, I am a bit of a sweaty git :oops: , so I'll continue to stump up for the Go powder!
  • woody-som wrote:
    I just put in an order for 1KG of maltodextrin. £3.99 for 25 sachet equivalents. That's 16p per equivalent dose of psp22. One problem I foresee is when I got to Majorca in April I won't be taking it with me because It's too much like cocaine. I'll still buy sachets for that.
    where from?
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    PSP22 is 'Paul's Sports Powder no 22', i.e. his 22nd experimental mix, which he decided was the best.

    As PSP22 Original is pure maltodextrin (there's a bit of fructose, flavourings, etc in the flavoured versions), I wonder how come it took him 22 goes to come up with it ?!?!
  • My favourite is Brains bitter or HB!!
    However, i've used PSP drink and it worked well at 10%. I tried the gels yesterday but am not sure on whether they're best for long, sustained rides. I think that the bars may be best for those as they have the added advantage of filling the stomach.

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business