Noob Forum User - Setting up my Commuter

DaveG40 Posts: 7
edited February 2008 in Commuting chat
I've just got my hands on a saracen x-ess / x-ile frame, circa 2001.


I removed my cranks (as noticed peddling was horrible) to find the l/h side is completely knackered - so after some hunting about i found 2 crank sets i like the look of and in my price range.

Problem being as I need a new b/b due to slight play which crank set do I go for?

My desired commuter setup is:

9 speed rear casette / derailleur
9 speed shifter
Single Chainring Crank (front derailleurs and my trousers dont get on!)

I haven't got a huge budget after buying the bike (mainly got it for the disc brakes and front RST forks / frame) so any suggestions welcome.

I have already sourced the new rear wheel with 9 speed cassette, derailleur and peddles. Just need the shifter /cable setup and chain.

The only bits i'm stuck on are buying the new cranks and b/b to fit the bike for the above setup - any advise?


  • Anyone? 10+ views and no reply!?!?! :oops:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Why is there a hole in your wall? Next to the tap pipe.
  • I have no idea - this is a picture i stole from the Ebay listing so is not my wall!!!!!

    I know this is not the most orthadox commuter but as i have to cross different terrains I wanted a light front suspension frame setup with discs and a few gears.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    And how much did you pay for this machine?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    And how much did you pay for this machine?
  • £36 british sterling - BARGAIN! lol
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I reckon it's not worth chucking money at it.
  • Probably not...

    As i can't ride it at the moment though i would like it so that I can!

    I'm probably going to steal a spare arm from my other bike as a stop gap for now but would rather fix this up than spank loads on a new / second hand bike which could also need stuff replacing / swopping....
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    go down the lbs, see if they've got any spares knocking around? sounds like it's not worth buying decent components if you're only using it as a hack...
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • I think that you should install bull bars, turn the brake levers round, take off at least one of the brakes entirely and cover the frame in duct tape.

    I have no idea why, but it WILL make you go faster.
  • Right ^^^^^ helpful..... :roll:

    Gonna pop to local bike shop and get it all sorted.

    Thanks Anyway,

  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    You'll be wanting to swap the tyres, those nobblies will make the commute hard work....
  • zanes
    zanes Posts: 563
    How small are the chain rings? :shock: :D
  • Is that like a BMX with gears! Whats with the mad seat angle.