Some help and advice please.



  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    Being able to run doesn't mean you have stamina i find.

    I can barely run a couple of miles on road, yet can run 5+ miles easily on fell/cross country terrain. In the gym, did 55 minutes easy on the bike, yet couldn't do 5minutes on the running machine. So don't get too worried if you can't run, just try and get the stamina where yo uwant it (cycling! Hoorah!)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    How windy was it huggy?

    So Halfords should change the parts, and the stem they sold me for 10 quid I should of got free?

    I must of done about 15 miles on my bike today, was not bad, got back pain again towards the end, was quite windy but kepts a decent speed apart from when I was right into the head wind.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    willhub wrote:
    How windy was it huggy?

    So Halfords should change the parts, and the stem they sold me for 10 quid I should of got free?

    I must of done about 15 miles on my bike today, was not bad, got back pain again towards the end, was quite windy but kepts a decent speed apart from when I was right into the head wind.

    Halfords say "and find the perfect size bike for you" obviously they didn't. I would have thought you had a very good case for either a bike change or at least a free exchange on the parts that make the bike fit. If you have already bought the stem it will be harder to get some satisfaction after the event, but still worth a go. I'm guessing you are young (since you mentioned college) so might be worth going along with a parent for moral support and seeing if you can still get something sorted out or at least ensure some future discount on servicing or accessories. Have you actually sat on a medium framed vanquish? If it is obviously a better fit you can say you were mis-sold the first bike. My mrs always does brilliantly in these sort of situations by asking for the manager or asking for head office etc. The key is that they say the bit in bold type above. So you either prepare for a bit of a battle or if you think it's just about ok, put it down to experience.
    Did they have a medium frame in the shop? Remember they are (supposedly) the experts and you are going to them for good advice and the correct bike for you.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I crashed today in york, I was at a junction and traffic lights went to green, checked no one was indicating to go left and there wasent, so I started speeding up and a car turned left and I was pulled his way and fell off and I think I damaged the wheel, breaks and the right levers for gears and breaks was bent off the handle bars. I dont feel like I want to go on a bicycle anymore I feel I am an accident waiting to happen so I might take up something else now and possibly sell my bike I got.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    Hope you are ok. Did the driver stop? Sounds like it was the car driver's fault i hope you got his registration number if so make sure you report it to the police asap.
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yea I am ok, thankfully my bike is too but my phone LCD is smashed, I was in shock at the time I did not think to get details :(, allthough its a lesson learnt for me that I should get details next time, I guess if anything happens again I should get name, address, reg number and phone number right?
  • iga
    iga Posts: 155
    If the driver didn't stop you should report it to the police. Failing to stop at the scene of an accident is a serious offence. It's difficult to think clearly when something like this happens, but yes you should get details - car registration number in particular. One way or another it sounds like you've had a rough time of it but don't give up! It might not feel like it but cycling is one of the easiest and most pleasant ways to keep fit and I'm sure there must be great roads round York.
    FCN 7
    Aravis Audax, Moulton TSR
  • huggy
    huggy Posts: 242
    shame about not having a road bike anymore, well one that works. Don't give up entirely though, I would say it was a farily unlikely event and probably won't happen to you again.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I still have a road bike, it works fine, infact if I had my tool kit with me which I did not due to its weight I could of re aligned the breaks and wheels myself and gone on my way but I never thought about it at the time.

    Yes IGA there is some good cycle routes round york but I am what you would call a lone cyclist, I dont know anyone who actually cycles :(, I have a friend who likes cycling but he's just had major surgery and when he does cycle before he was not a long distance person or speed, he just does short distance and slow unlike me who likes long distance and fast :p.

    I was thinking about cycling to college again tomorrow but 23mph wind seems abit offputting.
  • feel
    feel Posts: 800
    willhub wrote:

    Yes IGA there is some good cycle routes round york but I am what you would call a lone cyclist, I dont know anyone who actually cycles :(, .

    but now you know everyone on here :wink:

    don't be put off by headwinds - yes they really do knock your speed
    We are born with the dead:
    See, they return, and bring us with them.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    feel wrote:
    willhub wrote:

    Yes IGA there is some good cycle routes round york but I am what you would call a lone cyclist, I dont know anyone who actually cycles :(, .

    but now you know everyone on here :wink:

    don't be put off by headwinds - yes they really do knock your speed

    They knock my speed so much sometimes I just feel whats the point the slowness is so annoying and stressing, I dont mind anything under 20 but headwinds are a real pain even 10mph headwind is worse than I realised I'm going to need some uber big muscles on my legs and extreme stamina to push through those winds, I'm ok if I can keep a minimum of 12mph but I struggle, I dont mind it in the city the buildings stop the wind sometimes.

    Yea I may know some people on here but they all live far far away from me no chance of meeting for a good ol cycle :p, in september I'm going to either skipton, manchester or bolton for 2 years too.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I've got a Large Carrera, and I'm only 5'8", although a medium would have a better fit.

    TBH, you'll struggle to raise the bars more than a few millimetres, due to the lack of steerer.

    I'd possibly recommend getting a longer stem, and keeping it flipped with a raise up (rather than down). The setup of the bike doesn't look too bad though.

    To be honest I never knew you then, but I should have suggest a frame swap back then :D
    I like bikes...
