took a tumble

colinw Posts: 85
edited February 2008 in MTB general
been out today on a strange loop took a tumble hurt my thumb bit of blood so i wiped it all over the frame it looks quite good as its now dry
my wife thinks i have gone mad
I think it looks great blood sweat and tears and a;; that


  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Wiping on the frame is a little different to the usual place I wipe my hands, usually on the thighs of my tights/shorts as they're black they hide a multitude of sins beit blood or grease.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Geez, thats a bit scary :o
  • FAK

    spray plaster/antiseptic works wonders. Once came off into brambles at speed. Savlon spray (as dry) helped it stop bleeding and let me ride on home.
  • I loik to drip blood ALL the way round so people KNOW WHERE I'VE BEEN :twisted:
  • i must be lucky, my cuts clot very quickly. until i pick the scabs off when bored :oops:
  • Pants
    Pants Posts: 22
    I came off superman style over the bars at 15 - 20 mph on Saturday. I spotted a mound of mud I was gonna jump but it was much much softer than i thought. Front wheel just stopped dead!

    I wanted to carry on and started walking with the bike but then nearly passed out. So I got a lift instead. Then later that night my wrists were getting more and more painfull and my fingers were going number and colder so ended up going A+E late with all the chavs and drunks there. Fun!!

    Had some Xrays but no borken bones just torn/stretched muscle/ligments/tendons or whatever around carpel bones. So apparently I can't ride for a few weeks... argggggggg!

    On the plus side I also couldn't manage to dress/feed/do anything myself so my lovely girlfriend baby sat me all weekend. Ahh the easy life! :D

    My right hand is feeleing good enough to type / use mouse with now on the cocktail of painkillers prescribed. :)