Are we friends?

popette Posts: 2,089
edited February 2008 in The bottom bracket
I've been posting on here for 9 months. I've read your posts, felt that I got to know a little bit about some of you (Bagpuss has an alsation and too many bikes, Geoff_ss has a friend who loves bradley wiggins bum and is referred to as a parrot when she's on her tandem, Ut_och_cykla means "gone out cycling" etc etc), shared information about myself (too much my husband says) and yet we don't really know each other do we?

If we saw each other at an event, would we be mates? I think I'd be dead shy and embarrassed :oops:

Funny this t'interweb innit?


  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    You'd all blank me. I ride a mountain bike please don't tell everyone though Popette ssssh! :lol:
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    I'd be polite and say hello of course

    I've met other people from the internet before, the only bad thing is explaining to your real friends whose these randoms are :lol:

    For example oh I met them a a ride last year... and done
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Come to think of it, I DID meet someone from this forum, two people infact. The first was at a school family fun night of all places!!! I'd had a few ciders from the PTA bar so wasn't embarrassed at all. The second was on a road in cheshire when I fell off on ice - got talking to a lovely lady cyclist and she guessed my online identity from our chat. That was a bit spooky actually.

    Clever Pun, I can just imagine my husband's face if I have to introduce someone from the forum to him. 8)
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    I've met at least 3 people who post on here in the's a bit like presenters on radio 5..............they're never quite how you pictured them!
  • Eat My Dust
    Eat My Dust Posts: 3,965
    I've only met one other forum member and he's a total weirdo!!!! (only kidding if you're reading this Gerry!) My wife thought it was very funny, me going on a blind cycling date, she made me give Gerry's address incase he kidnapped me!!
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    she made me give Gerry's address incase he kidnapped me!!
    Not this guy by any chance? :lol:
  • Harry B
    Harry B Posts: 1,239
    Bronzie wrote:
    she made me give Gerry's address incase he kidnapped me!!
    Not this guy by any chance? :lol:

    That would be scary :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
  • I guess that if you're an outgoing kinda person then meeting new people holds no fear, especially if we feel that we already know something about their personality.

    If I recall correctly the old C+ forum had a profile piccy - shame that there's nothing similar on here (that I can find anywho!) I remember someone say saying that I looked like Dave Mustaine from Megadeath...made my day!
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    Pen pals of the 21st c :D:wink: I talk to people all over the world via the net .
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    I've been thinking of making some stickers out of my avatar and putting one on my bike/helmet/jersey/race number at any mass participations or sportives I may or may not undertake this year. Does that make me a creepy nerd? I'm not sure.

    At least it would give other forum members the chance to avoid me, if the 5-Live effect was too startling for them.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    I've only met one other forum member and he's a total weirdo!!!! (only kidding if you're reading this Gerry!) My wife thought it was very funny, me going on a blind cycling date, she made me give Gerry's address incase he kidnapped me!!

    I met a bloke through the old C+ forum. Turned out his mother lived in the same street as my in-laws. Went out for a few miles with him when he was up visiting. I got the same reaction as EMD got from his missus from my colleagues at work, in that they either thought it was very funny or that I was going to get buried on the moors!
  • I`d talk to you at an event popette. I`m an MTB`r by heart, but have just bought a road bike, as am getting fed up with all the mud around ! Is it ok to be a MTB`r and a roadie as well ? (on different days of course !)
    And on the 7th day...............
    God created...........
  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    [quote="popette" (Bagpuss has an alsation and too many bikes, Geoff_ss has a friend who loves bradley wiggins bum and is referred to as a parrot when she's on her tandem)

    Funny this t'interweb innit?[/quote]

    Actually the 'parrot' and the Bradley Wiggins fan are two different people :) You also missed the fact that Bagpuss and I are in the same bike club.

    I also spend a great deal of time on a model aircraft forum and I've met many of the people on there in real life at various events. By the nature of that hobby it attracts many very skilled craftsmen and they help solve a lot of the building snags that crop up. It's a very friendly place though there are the odd fall outs.

    Perhaps there aren't so many events where cyclists from different areas are likely to meet. The York and Mildenhall rallies are only 2 that come to mind. There's a lot of people we only seem to meet at York these days.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    I might stare at you if you really were muscly and green lol...

    But seriously i wouldn't hesitate to say hello if i knew who you was, I've seen you are ratehr quite active on here! Same with geoff.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    I go to a lot of cycling events and I take your picture with me hoping to meet you.
    Everytime I see someone with green skin I think my quest is over but then I look at
    the picture and the hair just isn't right. You know, it's a blonde or a redhead, but never
    black. My search continues.

    Dennis Noward
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    when I bumped into the guy at the school fun night (I won't reveal you by the way), I was actually in the full green skin. It was a halloween party and I was dressed as a witch - won the prize for my costume and crazy dancing!
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    I've failed to meet SteveR_100milers twice, both times having been within a few feet of him. The second time I think he knew I was me, though I didn't know he was him - I conclude from that he must be very shy, or maybe I'm scary. :(

    Have also met Cervelorider at a TT, premeditated as it were. Nice to go to an event and know there's someone to meet that you've been chatting to online for some time. I don't think the 5-Live effect was too strong on that occasion - though perhaps Cervelorider would disagree..........

  • saif
    saif Posts: 100
    Hi Popette

    This evening I was looking for all the posts on Northernrock Cyclone , and If I recollect correctly , you mentioned signing up for that and perhaps posted a blog on the progress of your training ?

    I've just been back on the road after the birth of our daughter , who is now two and a half months old , now that she's settling well , I'm trying to get back to my training for the same event (62m). I have never done anything like that before and I'm getting nervous now . I have to get out more and do some regular trainings. Any tips are welcome.

    I've done few 30m rides and I'm considering commuting to work which would add 10m each way, only trouble being in a Job which requires me to be formally dressed....
  • Popette, I think we'd all get along fine. It would be a laugh.

    My family, colleagues, neighbours, etc, all think I'm a lycra clad weirdo. Due to work, family, etc, don't have time for a cycling club, so this is where I come to "talk" to like minded folk :)
  • pedylan
    pedylan Posts: 768
    I'm not sure you can be friends on line in the same way as you can in the 3D world but there's a reasonable exchange of banter and humour here as well as bike tech and training.

    My reason for posting here is mainly for the tech and training content which, as there are many more knowledgeable people than me on here, is very helpful.

    There are other forums eg Cycle chat which are more about social (IMO) than cycling. They have a uniform ( :) ) I believe and talk about forum rides (or were when I last viewed).

    So, are we friends? Cyber acquaintances maybe? We could post more social stuff, why that user name? where do you live? what do you look like?

    And finally, many of us are doing the same sportives so why not meet up in groups around these events? Maybe not after the Etape duTour though, I won't be looking my best if I do finish. :lol:
    Where the neon madmen climb
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    Clever Pun wrote:
    I'd be polite and say hello of course

    I've met other people from the internet before, the only bad thing is explaining to your real friends whose these randoms are :lol:

    For example oh I met them a a ride last year... and done

    man... surely not people from....... dandundunnnnnnnn........ THE INTERNET.......What were they like? Did they all have green skin as well???
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    I know two people on this thread - met a few off the old cycling plus forum - in fact we used to have a good little training group in the Derby/Long Eaton area going at one time - a few of us went on and joined cycling clubs and got more into the sporting side of cycling and a few went over the ACF and got more into eating cakes and drinking beer - on relection they may have made the better choice.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    I’ve met 8-9 people off another more general forum where, in threads, one got into discussion of political or social issues, or one’s tastes in music, film and art, or one’s hobbies, or what one liked to eat and where one liked to holiday, or simply exchanged humour, where each tried to outwit the next. When some of the core met, they inevitably shared common ground and got on well, though perhaps only a couple of proper friendships developed.
    I’m not so sure a meeting of members of this forum would be quite so successful, because its orientation is more specific and there’s less interchange of information which allows you to get a fuller picture of the other people - and quite different people can share a hobby or sport. However, I’d also say that most people who do sport are genuine, easy-going, tolerant types, so any meeting would go fine, especially if there's a lot of red wine available.
  • BeaconRuth wrote:
    I've failed to meet SteveR_100milers twice, both times having been within a few feet of him. The second time I think he knew I was me, though I didn't know he was him - I conclude from that he must be very shy, or maybe I'm scary. :(

    Have also met Cervelorider at a TT, premeditated as it were. Nice to go to an event and know there's someone to meet that you've been chatting to online for some time. I don't think the 5-Live effect was too strong on that occasion - though perhaps Cervelorider would disagree..........


    I saw your thighs and thought i'd better stay quiet :wink: plus the guys you were talking too "looked" faster then me. I nearly took you all out though when I punctured the first time at the RAB under the bridge....

    I have met quite a few forummers from Cardiff and beyond, Bronzi only cos i passed you as you lay clutching your arm on last years Dragon, oldwelshy cos he is sooo much slower then me.. :wink: and NO Dave my ankle and foot ate still b**ggrd and im off for another 2 weeks :(
  • I know there's at least a couple of forum members who live within a few miles of me. I have to confess when I pass the numerous unknowns on the road, and especially when I get a "hello" or a wave back, I do occasionally wonder if that was someone I know from here.

    I suppose it's only odd for those of us that didn't grow up with it. :?
    Even if the voices aren't real, they have some very good ideas.
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    I got to know a lot of fellow cyclists when I used to organize and ride audax events . I Still bump into a few from that period ,of a lot of time spent riding a bike and not much else :roll: . I alway thought it strange how a person would happly cram themselvse's into a bus shelter with a group of people they had never met before at 2 in the morning :lol: .

    Ps ....and you do not get much stranger that me :!: :roll:
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    saif wrote:
    Hi Popette

    This evening I was looking for all the posts on Northernrock Cyclone , and If I recollect correctly , you mentioned signing up for that and perhaps posted a blog on the progress of your training ?


    hiya, I do have a blog (link is in my profile bit - I'd better warn you that it's not very interesting) but I'm not entered for the Northern Rock Cyclone. When I did Manchester to blackpool last year, I'd been cycling for about 4 months and I had built up from 10 mile rides gradually up to about 50 miles before the event (m2b was about 70 as we cycled to the start). It was great fun and got me thinking about bigger events I could enter. Well, I just went for it and entered the Etape this year. Probably a bit too big of a step up but I'm training hard and I'm gettting more confident about actually finishing it (although if you read C+ this month, their training plan for a big ride in Europe involves much more cycling than I'm doing now - I think I need to ramp up a bit and it will be by more than 10%).
    Congrats on the birth of your little one and good luck with your training :D
  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    All cyclists are friends with each other which is one of its joys. I've met people from this forum and from Weightweenies and there's no problem at all. Doesn't mean you have to invite each other to your houses, but a hello and a quick chat are fine.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    I saw your thighs and thought i'd better stay quiet :wink: plus the guys you were talking too "looked" faster then me. I nearly took you all out though when I punctured the first time at the RAB under the bridge....
    Was that you who had a puncture just on the way out of Droitwich?

  • I played online games for a few years and made some good friends that way from all over the world, and have been invited on a few occaisons to go stay with them. I don't play as much now, but I still keep in contact with a few people. It's a shame they live in places like Germany/Italy/Australia etc because i'd certainly be friends with them in real life.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015