To Breakfast or not Breakfast...



  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    pjh wrote:
    flippin was cold too ... thought my feet had frostbite when I got in :cry:

    I'm so sick of cold feet and I've tried every bloomin thing (3 pairs of socks, overshoes ... you name it ... nothing works :x) Got home yesterday and finally gave in ... went on wiggle with me birfday vouchers and bought some winter boots :D (even though winter's nearly over)
    Have you tried Bikeradar's Ginger tea?
    Bikeradar wrote:
    If you suffer from cold hands and feet, in the form of Raynaud's syndrome, it's especially important to set out on your bike with that protective, warming 'Ready Brek' glow around you. Ginger is one of the best foods that can help to do this. It has an amazing ability to stimulate the blood flow to your hands and feet.
    As usual, I was pretty skeptical, bit gave it a go anyway. I was really surprised by the result - it might be worth a go.

    Back on-topic: Personally I would never go out without breakfast of some kind, even if it's only a quick banana 10 mins before leaving, but maybe that's just me.

    As Kellog's posted in 'Beginners', I'd suggest that his metabolism isn't as efficient at fat burning as the experienced / highly trained cyclists that go out with nothing. Breakfast, therefore, would be a very good idea on a 2 - 3 hour ride!
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
  • thank you for the advice. As noted I am new to the longer rides. I did get out on Sat morning, having had a bowl of porridge (only half an hour before going out), didn't feel great for the first hour, but improved in the second. Next weekend, I think same again just with a longer gap after eating. Might need some better socks, as only just starting to get the feeling back in the toes!
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Socks wise, Woolie Boolies with shoes/boots that are a little too large, allowing for 'warm air space' resulting in warm feet!
  • Some very interesting posts on eating habits before and after going out. I have had problems with this for a while now and whenever I go out for 2-3hrs and get back after about 30mins I get dizzy and start to feel sick and drained until I have eaten something that contains sugar.
    I never eat prior to going out however I have tested the eating theory before riding and still got the same symptons. The other weekend though on the friday night I had a late bowl of porridge and went out about 8.00am on the saturday morning. I felt very strong in the saddle and had a fantastic ride but when I got back the sicky feeling never arrived!!
    Strange but there is obviuosly something in the eating before going out and the time between doing them!
  • Food - either on the bike or before you ride is a good idea. If you're going to ride hard and fast- little and often. Longer, and thereby more gentle (more than 1½-2 hours) - food - real stuff before you go adn /or on the ride. Naturally you can ride without of course but the intensity will be lower and the risk of the dreaded bonk (as aopposed to the longed for kind :wink: ) greater. I think it is a falacy that you burn more fat - it should read proportionally more fat but fewer calories over all - at no-breakfast, fat burning level.