Annoying Noise

tonywar Posts: 34
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
At last alittle sunshine so a chance to get out. So rushed home from work threw some gear on, chance to wear my new jacket with lots of reflective bits . Rode out, after half an hour noticed this strange clicking sound every time i rotated the peddle. Dwelled on it a while then thought I'd better stop and check it out. Checked the crank, no play at all. Rode a little further still the noise persisted, stopped again, checked all the spokes, no problems all tensioned correctly. Further still and the noise continued. Could it be the magnete for the computer catching the sensor? Stopped again. Still couldn't identify the problem. Resigned myself to just putting up with the noise given the bike wasn't about to fall apart. When I arrived home I realised that my new jacket had pockets in different places and my house keys had been hitting my leg everytime I pedalled. Doooh :?


  • geoff_ss
    geoff_ss Posts: 1,201
    Frustrating isn't it? :)

    We had a funny noise on the tandem (and no, it wasn't nagging from the stoker). It only happened when riding on coarse surfaced roads. I even went to the trouble of removing the mudguards. In the end it turned out to be a bottle cage boss bolt in an unused position. It was tight, but had bottomed out and its washer was loose and vibrated on some road surfaces. It took ages to find.

    Old cyclists never die; they just fit smaller chainrings ... and pedal faster
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    As it's chain set rotation related......

    1. Remove chain rings and re fit - check bolts are tight (I had a click that was persistent, the chain ring bolts were tight, removed all the rings and re-seated them - fixed it).

    2 . Remove chain set, remove shell and re-fit it. - There might be some movement in the shell, not the axel. Depending upon your BB if it's not tight enough you can get a click - most new BB's are sealed and already pre-adjusted, but if it's a little loose in the frame it will'll not feel any loose cranks.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Anything and everything needs checking - bikes carry noise so it's very difficult to track down..... don't just check - remove, re-grease/copper slip and refit.
  • Mog Uk
    Mog Uk Posts: 964
    I had a similar noise last year, after days of troubleshooting it turned out to be the seatpost 'clicking' in the frame, little bit of grease solved the problem.....
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    I spent a frustrating day last Tuesday trying to locate a creak which disappeared when I tightened the screws on the underside of the saddle.

    Old bikes never used to creak and click, it seems to be a modern problem.
  • sylvanus
    sylvanus Posts: 1,125
    Here is your answer...long process but you should only have to do it once before you learn enough to avoid it in future....
  • plug1n
    plug1n Posts: 204
    I had exactly that problem a couple of weeks ago.

    After days tightening everything insight (including breaking one of the fasteners for the chainrings), it turned out to be chain lubrication. I must have been a bit zealous on the cleaning :(
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    just got soon as any pressure is applied when climbing or up standing creak starts....sounds like coming from cassette but i dont think its likely?just had last weekend bb removed relubed and tightened by lbs so doubt its that...chainrings seem tight and stable..greased cleats,tightened pedals...what else?....sending me nuts!!!!spoilt my sunny day ride today
  • sylvanus
    sylvanus Posts: 1,125
    just got soon as any pressure is applied when climbing or up standing creak starts.

    Sound like your cranks need tightening so time to get out the large allen key - since the BB has just been refitted its not unsual everything will need re-tightening after a few miles ridiing.

    If that doesn't work then as before... follow this:
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    only got standard size allens....any advice on getting extra leverage to tighten fully?
  • sylvanus
    sylvanus Posts: 1,125
    Just do it as tight as you can with a cloth / rag to protect your hand - it should give you enough torque although if you were feeling techy then you could use a torque wrench to 28-34 Nm! - I'd worry about that later - max hand tight should be fine...

    Is this Shimano / FSA / Campag Ultra-Torque etc?
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    bianchis own component...everything else is campag so imagine this is along same lines just with bianchi labelling
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    idea to take bold out..regrease beforehand?
  • sylvanus
    sylvanus Posts: 1,125
    Its fine to grease the bolt (and may help!) although Campag always recommend not - I do - even so if you're strong or using a long handle allen key then don't start using levers etc in case you overtighten or shear the bolt.

    Here's a full guide on the complete process (ignore the bits that don't apply)
  • Err, thanks for all the advice everyone. But it was my house keys that were making the noise.LOL :lol:
  • stueyc
    stueyc Posts: 518
    thanks...appreciate the advice