
jockyfoost Posts: 63
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
Could anyone please recommend me a set of comfortable handlebars as i am failing to get along with my Deda Big Piega bars on my Focus Cayo. :cry:
I have the same set up on my winter hack as my Focus but i seem to get numb hands after 10 minutes on my good bike where as i've no problem riding my hack.
The hack has frame shifters and so has smaller hoods than the Cayo with Shimano STIs. Most of the discomfort happens when riding on the hoods.
Has anyone else felt Shimano STis uncomfortable?

PS I've tried changeing angle of bars but to no avail.


  • How much are you willing to spend?

    I sware by 3T bio morphe, now available as cinelli neo morphe.
  • OnTow
    OnTow Posts: 130
    You mention the setup is the same - what measurements have you taken?
    e.g distance from tip of saddle to centre of bar tops.
    Distance from pedal/axle centre, up the seat tube, to the seat top
    Distance from tip of saddle to furthest usable point on hoods
    Distance of saddle tip, forward of bottom bracket

    Sounds as if you're leaning down more on the bars, but I guess you've checked all that?

    I like my ITM Marathons, with cork tape, but they're an acquired taste due to the radical sweep-back on the tops, which provides for a good range of different positions.