I hate being il!!

Richie G
Richie G Posts: 283
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
Why oh why does the most glorious spell of Febuary weather have to coincide with me going down this sickness virus? :evil: Was all set for a Sunday morning ride in the sunshine - instead spent the night puking! 3 days of aching and shivering in bed is not quite what i had in mind for pre-season training! Sorry - rant over! I was wondering if anyone esle had gone down with this lately (half the people i work with have!) . I'm keen not to overdo things when getting back on the bike - i'm back at work today but still a bit fragile. I normally commute on the bike but think i'm gonna be in the car the next couple of days - just getting up the stairs is finishing me off today! Any thoughts?

(A rather pale) Rich


  • If it's any consolation, I'm in exactly the same boat - the weather's been sh1te for ages then finally the rain stops, the sun comes out, the temperature rises, the wind dies down and I catch some evil virus. Been off the bike for just over a week now, but according to the weather forecast (rainy and cold) I should be alright by tomorrow. Then I'll probably have a wee relapse at the weekend (free time and a better forecast). Maybe the world is just conspiring against me...
  • I've just taken 3 days off work to go riding in this glorious weather and have spent them in bed, aching shivering freezing cold, absolutely p*ss*d off !
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    ermintrude wrote:
    I've just taken 3 days off work to go riding in this glorious weather and have spent them in bed, aching shivering freezing cold, absolutely p*ss*d off !
    :( That's crappy luck. However, your work ought to be good enough to refund you you holiday? Then you can re-book for later in the year when the weather's even better (we hope!)...
  • Zendog1
    Zendog1 Posts: 816
    You and me both.
    Woke up on Sunday with a stinking cold.
    It's getting better now just as the grey glom returns :(:(
  • After 3 weeks off the bike with a lower back strain it was swiftly followed 3 days after my return by a diagnosed Achilles tendonitis. No cycling for another 4 days and then a gentle return with no hills or sprints for a week to 10 days before slowly increasing the workload and fingers crossed for no reaction - sucks big time :(