only room for one bike

chrisjg Posts: 2
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
Used to be fairly serious roadie but done nothing for 3 years. Now want to get back into it. I have a pinarello angliru which is decent but i want to ride on towpaths etc. Is it feasible to fit cyclocross type wheels? should i look for an Audax type tourer? I dont want a mountain bike and i am unlikely to get on really rough stuff. I live in a city centre flat so really only have room for one bike. Advice please?


  • peanut
    peanut Posts: 1,373
    edited February 2008
    Mmm difficult decision. :?
    I think you should stick with your Pinarello which is an excellent frame and just buy yourself a spare set of wheels with wider rims to take a cross tyre 28mm . That way when you fancy a spin on the roads you just need to swop the wheels and adjust the brakes and they won't take up to much space under a bed. :lol:
    I'm in the same boat after a 3 year layoff so I'm really looking forward to getting out on the bike again . I'm currently building up some cardio-vascular fitness in the warm and dry of my local Gym until the evenings get lighter. Best of luck
  • Move to a bigger flat.
  • Bec_M
    Bec_M Posts: 10
    We live in a 1 bed city centre flat - 2 x MTBikes, 2 x Road bikes, kayak, golf clubs camping gear etc...

    You'll have loads of room for a second bike! :D
  • I live in university accommodation (the cheapest and therefore the smallest room type available) and I still manage to find room for 3 bikes in my room. Where there's a will there's a way. Also, it quickly teaches you not to come back too drunk. That ended up being an expensive night out...