Mountain Bike Tattoo Idea?

TJ25 Posts: 41
edited February 2008 in MTB general
I've thought about getting a tattoo to do with Biking for a bit.

And i've done a few designs but could never think of a slogan to go with it.

If anyone has any ideas feel free to give them me.

Either reply to this or give me an email.

Cheers 8)


  • "It's your world. Ride it"
    Train hard, ride easy
  • fly4fun
    fly4fun Posts: 416
    Just get out and ride
  • Have you looked at the tattoo thread that ran a month or two ago in (I think) the Sandbox. That was looking for a first tattoo....

    Clicky clicky!
    Proved by testing to be faster than a badger.
    The world's ultimate marmite bike
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    A Panaracer Fire XC (or tyre of your choice) tread pattern, in a band round your bicep.

    Better than one of those celtic bands people were having done in the 90s.

    Not that I'd have one myself, got enough marks on my body from MTBing anyway!
  • check out howies..... they may inspire. normally have some good t-shirt slogans.

    what designs have you come up with...??
    thinking happy thoughts....before the pixies steal them..
  • I'd get a tiger, with watch out for tigers, but then i do say that a lot...
  • My ex had "live to ride, ride to live" on his back. I liked that.

    I've got two tattoos. Neither MTB related like... One is some latin on my thigh "alis volat propriis" and the other is a diamond on my sternum. 8)
    All fur coat and no knickers....
  • If you can't find one here then give up
  • fly4fun
    fly4fun Posts: 416
    some of those are a bit....poor

    but the one on that dudes!
  • dirtbiker100
    dirtbiker100 Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2008 ... iker-14501

    noithing like fitting into the stereotype eh.

    "Here are some of the key tips and tricks to help you prepare for your grand offroad cycling transformation.

    1. You must get a tattoo. Before you even begin thinking about shopping for a mountain bike, let alone taking your first mountain bike ride, you must get a rad tattoo. It's the law. There are actual mountain bike police out monitoring the trails, and they are liable to ask you if you have a tattoo. If you don't, they are authorized to give you one -- of their choosing -- on the spot.

    Now, I'm certain that you are thinking, right this moment, "I'm pretty sure I saw a mountain biker without a tattoo, once." I assure you: that mountain biker had a tattoo. It was just more discretely placed than most, probably because that biker still lives at home and is afraid his mom will find out.

    So the question is, what should your tattoo be? Well, the mountain biking bylaws stipulate that a chainring must be one of the graphical elements, a mystical Asian glyph must be included, and there must be a whimsical third symbol: wings, a skull-and-crossbones, or a cloud are all good examples. I recommend a yin-yang symbol inside a chainring, peeking out from behind a cloud, as if it were the sun.

    Feel free to make up your own story as to what this means."
  • fly4fun
    fly4fun Posts: 416
    i did wonder if there was any relevance between this post occuring and the fat cyclist writing the aformentioned article...!
  • fly4fun wrote:
    i did wonder if there was any relevance between this post occuring and the fat cyclist writing the aformentioned article...!
    that guy is bloomin hilarious. after his "becoming a roadie" one i was waiting to see what he'd say about us mtb'ers i laughed even more.
  • beccalily wrote:
    I've got two tattoos. Neither MTB related like... One is some latin on my thigh "alis volat propriis" and the other is a diamond on my sternum. 8)

    Hmmm, "She flies with her own wings"... That's rather nice actually. I like that a lot, a nice touch of self-reliance.
    Proved by testing to be faster than a badger.
    The world's ultimate marmite bike
  • Massimo
    Massimo Posts: 318
    My personal favourite is:

    "Cycling's like church - many attend but very few really understand"
    Crash 'n Burn, Peel 'n Chew
    FCN: 2
  • beccalily wrote:
    I've got two tattoos. Neither MTB related like... One is some latin on my thigh "alis volat propriis" and the other is a diamond on my sternum. 8)

    Hmmm, "She flies with her own wings"... That's rather nice actually. I like that a lot, a nice touch of self-reliance.

    Yeah thats the idea. It looks pretty too. Got it specially designed for me.


    Bit of a rubbish quality picture. But you get the idea.

    And my diamond.... hurt soooooooooo much its untrue.

    All fur coat and no knickers....
  • it could be related in some kind of way...some i have heard
    "im not afraid of dieing, i'm afraid of not living"
    "Why tip toe through life to end up at deaths door safely"
    "Ride. Race. Live"
    "The hardest part about riding cross country is telling your parents you are gay"
  • nice font its written in becca, that take up the whole thigh?!

    and jesus, those are very good. that last one is classic. noted for later use :D
  • nice font its written in becca, that take up the whole thigh?!

    Feathers... wings... you get it?

    Yeah whole length. Took two hours,and to be honest didnt hurt a bit!

    All fur coat and no knickers....
  • beccalily wrote:
    Feathers... wings... you get it?
    ha yeah thanks, spotted it straight away :wink:
  • Well you never know... some people can be a bit dense these days. :lol:

    I always get asked when I'm out "is that a real tattoo?"... no I just draw on myself daily when I get out of the shower.... eejits! :lol:
    All fur coat and no knickers....
  • beccalily wrote:
    I always get asked when I'm out "is that a real tattoo?"... no I just draw on myself daily when I get out of the shower.... eejits! :lol:
    ah i don't blame you for checking then heh
  • TJ25
    TJ25 Posts: 41
    Hey guys. Sorry for the late reply etc. Been a bit busy sorting out a new phone and bike XD

    I've come up with a couple of ideas but none of them are really very ambitious or abstract. I quite like the idea of the tread around the arm.

    But yeah these are two ideas (Y)


  • quite like the general idea of the last one...
    thinking happy thoughts....before the pixies steal them..
  • quite like the general idea of the last one... pc's gone daft.. :roll:
    thinking happy thoughts....before the pixies steal them..
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    edited February 2008
    how about......

    'Why did I get this tattoo?'

    Dude......if it was me, I wouldn't get either of those tats.

    also.....I don't like the thigh script or the diamond.

    But hey.........I don't have them on my body so what the f**k has it got to do with me anyway. :lol::lol:
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    The best MTB tattoo to get would be a quarter of a chainring pattern on the inside of your right leg. Think about it.
  • andrew156 wrote:
    The best MTB tattoo to get would be a quarter of a chainring pattern on the inside of your right leg. Think about it.
    why a tattoo? just to trace over the scars already there?
  • i like the the above pictures..... didn't notice the tatts though, i thought beccalily was just showing off .... :D:D:wink::wink:
    thinking happy thoughts....before the pixies steal them..
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    I don;t think it's any use advising against getting a tattoo if your mind is made up.

    But I would advise against getting one with words, especially a slogan - and especially if you've had to think so hard about what slogan in the first place (so you'll end up with something contrived or that you're not truly happy with).

    There's a reason they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • jedster
    jedster Posts: 1,717
    Don't take this the wrong way but I really think your frame of mind should be

    "I really want to get tattoed with x"

    rather than

    "I want a tattoo, what the hell should it be?"

    If you're in the second camp I reckon you are in real danger of
    a) being disatisfied with it
    b) being a bit of a pseud

    No offence!