First Century

guinea Posts: 1,177
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
I've been neglecting the road bike since Christmas and it was feeling very lonely on the garage as I walked past it to pick up the mountain bike for my winter riding. However, I've been missing the speed and ease of the Wilier so since the weather looked good I though I'd better dust off the cobwebs and give her a spin. I fancied trying a longer than my usual 10 miles + 3 laps of Richmond Park.

I arranged all my kit the night before and awoke early. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and blasted out along the Uxbridge road until I got out of London. I then very loosely followed a route I created on mapmyride last night. ... /631567313

Leaving before 0800 meant there was no traffic on the road and I wasn't held up in any way. I tried to memorise the route but had taken a printed copy too. That goodness I did as I referred to it a lot in the after I left London and started on the country lanes.

The bike felt very familiar straight away and I was really buzzing from the difference in acceleration and the low effort it was taking to roll at around 18mph. There were a few hills that eventually became a bit of a grind, but nothing too taxing.

The weather was great. There was a frost which hung around in the shade until after midday, but I wasn't cold at all. Actually I think this will be the last time I go out this year in the winter gloves and jacket. I had a bit of a sweat on at times.

There were a couple of steep descents. However, the roads were narrow and the surfaces loose so I didn't let rip past about 35mph. I've done hugely fact speeds downhill on the mountain bike, but this was altogether more uncomfortable. My arms were sore from breaking and holding all my weigh on the hoods. Let's face it, the hoods are not the most comfortable places to break from and really do stop you getting decent power on the leaver.

I passed lovely woods full of snowdrops, buzzards and red kites as well as lots of other cyclists. Every single one gave me a wave, which was great. If any of you passed a bloke huffing on a bike far to expensive to be ridden by him, Hi - that was me.

Eventually I made it to Oxford. I stopped the bike against the city sign, took a photo on the phone and texted a mate who lives right there. He popped over and we both had a cycle round town.

My original plan was to get the train home. The thing is - I felt good.

Instead of getting the train, I turned the bike around and headed home. The journey home was harder, much harder. My knees had felt uncomfortable from around mile 30 were know reminding me constantly that my saddle may be 1/2" too low and the hills sucked. There is a 1:10 hill near Northend that had me panting, weaving, sweating and cursing.

I got home in the end. According to my speedo I did 119 miles. I haven't cycled more than 30 miles in memory, so that is a huge step up for me. Considering I weighed 24.5 stones this time last year, I am delighted just to be out on the road, never mind staying in the saddle for 9 hours.


  • :o 30 to 119 Well doen that man.
    I did my longest road ride to date 62 miles today. It would have been longer but got a slow puncture about 10 miles from home, so detoured to the in laws and had Mother In laws super Lemon Drizzle Cake and Tea whilst basking in the spring sunshine .
    Fixed the puncture and then got the wife to pick me up as my legs had seized up totally.
    Sitting now after a warm bath with a cold beer and a satisfied glow :D
    "BEER" Proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Great story, you are an inspiration to any other biker looking to lose weight, 24 stone, bloody hell have no idea how much you weigh now but just one question you forgot to mention how is the bike :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Heh, the bike seems fine. It might be a bit stiff in the morning though!

    I'm currently trying to keep my weight around 13 stone - I'm 6'2" and any slimmer than that and I look ill.
  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    Pretty impressive!

    It was a lovely day here also. Not in your league, but I managed 52 miles (quite a few hills to north of Nottm!) with the CTC "D" team (as in 5 of us mainly "older" folk), my longest pedal since June last year. Wouldn't have made it if not for very still air!
    "Cancel my subscription to the resurrection."
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Hi GUINEA, going from 24 to 13 stone in a year is amazing, i don,t have any weight issues myself but wonder did you lose all that weight just through cycling? Greetings Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Well done! :)

    I've owned a road bike for 18 months and I'm still to log a century. :oops:
    My longest ride to date is just shy of 66 miles.

    Yesterday was a glorious day and I felt good. I hoped to do at least 75 miles but my right leg had other ideas and awful cramp put an end to that after 46 miles. :(
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    I'm not surre what governs the maximum distance you can cycle. I haven't been too active on the bike recently and am not very fit so wasn't training that made me able.

    Hills excepted it wasn't too hard at all.

    Saying that, my body froze into a crouched position after resting at home and my nether regions are a bit uncomfortable today.

    I'm off to Vegas on Sunday, but fancy outting another century before I go. It could get addictive.
  • Firstly well done on the weight loss. I took it up for same reason and have got pretty fit but not pretty thin!

    Are you hiring a bike in Vegas? Should be nice weather there now, we went a few years ago in December and was great. Look out for the tickets2nite booth (large coke bottle outside) on the strip, which sells cheap show tickets for that nights performances.
  • That's really inspiring. Loved reading your story about your ride and weight loss. I have become a convert to spinning this year and lost a further stone, now hooked and purchase a entry level road bike. Got out yesterday (got lost- blessing in disguise) an notched up 35 miles. Woop. Went out again tonight for a recovery ride. Already can't wait for the spring to come with lighter nights.
  • hisoka
    hisoka Posts: 541
    That is amazing, I am in a similar place to you in the wanting to loose weight, and sort of that ballpark that you started from in weight too. I would really appreciate any hints/tips/secrets of how you did it?
    And amazing ride there it sounds :D
    "This area left purposefully blank"
    Sign hung on my head everyday till noon.

    FCN: 11 (apparently)
  • My Mrs wants before and after pics :)

    Well done, a great story and you have inspired me to ride further.
  • rdaviesb
    rdaviesb Posts: 566
    Good for you sir! Blasting down the Uxbridge road, now there's a memory. I used to do laps of Heathrow in my yoof. Now I'd probably get pulled up as a security risk.
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Heh, thanks for the encourage folks.

    Since you asked for them, here's the before and after shots...
  • Hope you don't cycle with that kilt on, or 'The Daily Mail' brigade will have you lynched!!

    Keep up the good work though, as said above very inspiring to hear a good news story for a change.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    *Doffs cap

    Well done that man - excellent work.