New Bike - Not sure if this is Right

Doobz Posts: 2,800
edited February 2008 in Road beginners
So hows this.. I go and pick up my bike yesterday and am unable to ride it till today because of work etc.. So this eve I pump up the tyres and go for a spin - I am just getting used to the bike then all of a sudden I hear hissing from the back tyre.. lol - 10 mins in to a ride and there I have a friggin puncture.. I get home to repair it and to my surprise I see the rims dont have any tape on them?

if you look at the pic you can actually see the pressure points on the tube so what must have happned is the tupe has rubbed on a rough edge and popped :cry:

I dunno what to do.. I live like 50 miles away from the shop and cant be bothered driving down there when I could be out riding on saturday..

should I email them and ask for a new tube and some rim tape?

here is a pic..



  • meagain
    meagain Posts: 2,331
    Short answer - YES!

    And a tenner for your trouble.
    "Cancel my subscription to the resurrection."
  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    yep - they should have rim tape on them...
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    okay cool thanks.. I have emailed them and sent them a pic also and asked them to sort out the fault without me driving 50 miles each way..

  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    The shop should have known really what they're selling. Bloody bad luck on your part Doobz so yes they should sort it out for you, good luck with it.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    What a bunch of jokers! I'd be v peed off! Personally I'd go and buy some tape and a tube then demand they pay for it. But the weather (down here anyway) looks great this weekend so it'd be a shame not to get out on the bike.
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    okay issue is sorted,, emailed them got no response - phoned them and they said they will send via royal mail for tomorrow..
  • weedy1
    weedy1 Posts: 143
    any chance of a name n shame? I'm not too far from u allways nice to see whos doing quality work.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    weedy1 wrote:
    any chance of a name n shame? I'm not too far from u allways nice to see whos doing quality work.

    I believe it was Ribble.
    I like bikes...
