wattage meter

edited February 2008 in Road beginners

can you buy a wattage meter to attach to a turbo that doesnt have one?
felix's bike

pedal like you stole something!!!


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    You want a power meter?

    You're spending money like mad, felix. Are you rich?
    I like bikes...

  • yeah thats what i mean. i take it you can buy them from wiggle etc?

    yeah i'm going to win the euro millions on friday £96 mill then i'll buy you all a storck £10 grander lol.
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • EHHH how much? is that what they are? gulp :oops:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Powertap is a bit more reasonable, but this price is for hub only, you still need a rim and wheel build.

    The powermeters that are fitted to some turbos are supposed to be fairly unreliable, but are a better way of assessing your level of effort during turbo training than a heart rate monitor alone I think.
  • azzerb
    azzerb Posts: 208
    http://www.planet-x-bikes.com/tt/index. ... uct=tckrmc

    Did you mean something like this?

    Don't know accurate it would be with other turbo's, but generally, the theory is right, i suppose it's just whether it can be adapted to different time down speeds from 20mph.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,822
    The Kurt Kinetic, the turbo that P-X sell, has the option of a computer that essentially measures rear wheel speed and, as it can be set to match the power curve of the turbo, it then calculate pretty accurately, the power. The computer's power calculation algorithm can be amended and they provide a list of turbos and the values to set the algorithm to for a power reading but I am not sure how accurate these turbos are - the KK is known to provide a pretty stable power.
  • Hudster
    Hudster Posts: 142
    What do you want to know wattage for? If it's for willy waving down at the club then you'll have to fork out vast amounts of money to know that you're putting out x watts compared to big biffer, who's doing y watts. But even then the different meters won't quite agree what exactly a watt is.

    If it's for measuring your improvement, then you can do this on the turbo trainer with just a speedo and a hrm. First you need to calibrate your turbo trainer to be giving you the same level of resistance each time. Then do a timed run at a set heart rate and see what speed/distance you have done. Far cheaper
  • Yeah - who'd want to use a power meter for training and racing? :wink:

    Must have been lots of willy waving at the track today at the Aussie national track champs. There was a PM on probably half the bikes.

    And seeing Mark French go 10.099 for the 200 fly :shock:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Must have been lots of willy waving at the track today at the Aussie national track champs. There was a PM on probably half the bikes.

    I don't think Felix is going to be at any national track championships any time soon (except as maybe a spectator), though .
    I like bikes...

  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    maybe not - but I am well impressed with the idea of that KK computer - it has a calibration figure for the cycleops fluid2 trainer that I own too.

    I use the carmichael training systems DVD's and the ability to know poweer output (i guess indicated speed is the same thoug..) would be useful in having a figure to work to while completing the training. I wouldn't buy a powertap but I would (and am now..) consider a £25 device which is configurable
  • Hudster
    Hudster Posts: 142
    Well, I apologize if you are using it to train for the Assuie national track championships. Since you posted it in Road Beginners I foolishly pressumed you were a beginner to cycling and just wanted to improve.

    The point is that watts meters give a repeatable measure of your output. Which you can do using the method I described above. The KK computer is doing the same thing, except that it has in idea of the resistance curve and thus gives a rough calculation of watts being output. If you want to pay 30quid for this then fine.

    Devices like the SRM allow you to train and measure output in variable conditions - i.e. outside. So you can train in a more controlled way that you might do on a turbo but without the mind-numbness. Spending 700quid+ to be able to do this just on a turbo trainer is not sound advice IMHO.
  • guv001
    guv001 Posts: 688
    How do you measure willy waving down at your club with a PM??
  • guv001 wrote:
    How do you measure willy waving down at your club with a PM??

    punchability? unpleasuregivingtothewifeability? :twisted: :lol:
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Must have been lots of willy waving at the track today at the Aussie national track champs. There was a PM on probably half the bikes.

    I don't think Felix is going to be at any national track championships any time soon (except as maybe a spectator), though .

    i am actually, (going to spectate) the world champs in manchester in march woot woot
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!
  • Do you need a power meter for that?
  • ooooohhh yesss
    felix's bike

    pedal like you stole something!!!